Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

ISSN: 0972-6268(Print); ISSN: 2395-3454 (online) An Open Access Online Journal

Archives Issues

Volume 22, Issue No 4, Dec 2023



Contents and Other Pages


Overview of Helminths in Land Vertebrates from the Mordovia Nature Reserve, European Russia

In this study, we summarized our own and literature data on the helminth fauna in amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals inhabiting the Mordovia Nature Reserve (European Russia). The history of research on parasitic worms in vertebrates has more than 70 years here. Nowadays, 242 species of helminths have been identified in vertebrates in this protected area: 54 cestodes, 87 trematodes, 98 nematodes, and 3 acanthocephalans. Of these, 169 helminth species have an indirect life cycle, while 73 develop directly. 217 revealed parasite species use vertebrates as definitive hosts and 21 as intermediate and/or parathenic hosts. Three species of trematodes, Gorgoderina vitelliloba, Haplometra cylindracea, and Opisthioglyphe ranae combine the larval and mature lifestyle stages in amphibians. The most diverse helminth fauna is in rodents (41 species), birds (38), artiodactyls (37), and insectivores (35). Less rich in amphibians (32), bats (32), reptiles (26), and carnivores (19). Only six parasite species are found in hares. Most of the helminth species recorded in the vertebrates of the Mordovia Nature Reserve belong to the Palearctic faunistic complex – 107 species. Fifty-eight species are cosmopolitan. The range of 39 species covers the Holarctic. The distribution of 37 species of helminths is limited to Europe. Seventy-three of 242 species found in the nature reserve’s vertebrates have medical and veterinary importance as potential pathogens of dangerous zoonoses.

N. Yu. Kirillova, A. B. Ruchin, A. A. Kirillov, I. V. Chikhlyaev and M. A. Alpeev

State-of-the-art Overview of Biological Treatment of Polluted Water from Rice Mills and Imminent Technologies with Green Energy Retrieval

"Rice milling involves shelling and polishing paddy grains to produce rice- both raw and parboiled. Parboiled rice production requires a massive quantity of freshwater for soaking, which, in turn, generates a large amount of wastewater. If this wastewater is not properly ameliorated, it can cause tremendous troubles of surface water pollution, land pollution, and, ultimately, groundwater pollution. Therefore, proper treatment of polluted water from rice mills (PWRM) as per the effluent discharge norms is necessary to protect the surface and subsurface water resources for sustainable development. There are two methods for remediating rice mill wastewater- physicochemical and biological. The biological methods produce comparatively less sludge and are cost-effective. Moreover, these processes are capable of retrieving green energy in the form of biomethane, biohydrogen, and bioelectricity to augment bio-fuel production, aiming to meet the ever-increasing fuel demands caused by rapid industrialization, motorization, and urbanization. The focus on green energy production is gaining momentum day by day due to the adverse effects of conventional energy derived from fossil fuel combustion in terms of enhanced Air Pollution Index (API) in the ambient atmosphere. In this paper, anaerobic biodegradation, phytoremediation, phyco-remediation, and microbial fuel cell techniques adopted by various researchers for remediating the polluted water from rice mills have been well addressed and critically discussed. The pros and cons of these biological methods have been well addressed to assess the socio-technoeconomic feasibility of each method."

R. K. Singh and S. Bajpai

Optimization of Supply Chain Network in Solid Waste Management Using a Hybrid Approach of Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic: A Case Study of Lagos State

A strategic shift towards sustainable, appropriate supply chain networks and data-driven decision-making in solid waste management in rural and urban areas can drastically reduce environmental pollution. This study utilizes a hybrid strategy of genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic to improve the supply chain network in solid waste management in Lagos State. In this research, four local governments in Lagos State are taken as a case study to help Identify solid waste in those selected areas, acquire data to better understand the supply chain network in solid waste management, and use the data acquired to model for the algorithm. A series of 30 iterations were carried out using a fitness parameter of frequency, price range, and means of disposal to determine who should be given utmost importance in the chain. Supply chains often exhibit inadequacies that may be enriched using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. The optimization model is flexible and useful, so everyone involved in the chain can coexist harmoniously. One of the reasons causing these inadequacies in proper waste management is a poorly planned supply chain network. It was concluded that the scavengers must be recognized as major participants in the movement of waste from houses to these provided refuse bins, with their frequency increased to 6 times daily with dustbins ranging from 9-20 be provided on each street which the private service participants (PSP).

O. J. Oyebode and Z. O. Abdulazeez

Abundance, Characteristics, and Microplastics Load in Informal Urban Drainage System Carrying Intermixed Liquid Waste Streams

This first-of-its-kind study systematically assesses the abundance and characteristics of Microplastics (MPs) in different categories of informal open drains (nallas) carrying different liquid waste streams from different functional areas of an Indian city. Such drains are part of the informal urban drainage system that carries wastewater, stormwater, industrial effluent, and rural runoff. Logistical and locational limitations of traditional wastewater (WW) sampling methods severely limit their application in open drains. To overcome sampling challenges owing to complex geography, vast drainage network spread across different functional areas of the entire city, and local challenges, appropriately modified sampling strategies were adopted to collect samples from 35 open WW drains (small/local, intermediatory, and large). MPs (50?m-5mm) were present in a bucket, and net samples obtained from all 35 WW drains. The average MP concentration in WW drains was 4.20 ± 1.40 particles/L (bucket samples) and 5.19 ± 1.32 particles/L (net samples). A declining trend of MPs abundance was observed from larger to smaller drains, confirming that smaller and intermediatory drains (carrying WW from different functional areas of the city) are discharging their MP loads into larger drains. Intermixing different WW streams (municipal WW, stormwater surface runoff, agricultural runoff, and industrial WW) increases MP levels in drains. The local riverine ecosystem is being put at risk by a daily MPs load of 12.6 x 108 particles discharged from 9 larger drains into the local river Kharun. To protect the riverine ecosystem, controlling the high daily MPs load from such drains is important. Diversion of WW drains through constructed wetlands built near river banks can be a cost-effective solution. Because the entire Indian subcontinent and parts of Africa rely mainly on such drains having similar characteristics and local conditions, the findings of this study reflect the status and pattern of MPs pollution in informal drains of the entire Indian subcontinent and can be used by stakeholders and governments to take mitigative and preventive measures to manage the MPs pollution and protect the local riverine ecosystem.

K. Upadhyay and S. Bajpai

Assessment of Water Quality During 2018-2022 in the Vam Co River Basin, Vietnam

Water pollution in the Vam Co River basin is becoming more complicated due to untreated wastewater being directly discharged into rivers and canals from agricultural, industrial, and domestic activities. To assess the water quality in this area, this study conducted monitoring at ten sampling locations (S1-S10) from 2018 to 2022, calculated the Water Quality Index (WQI) for each parameter, and simulated water quality in 2022 using the 1D- MIKE 11 model developed by DHI with two main modules including HD and AD. The findings showed that most parameters did not surpass the allowable limits per QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT on Vietnam National Technical Regulation on Surface Water Quality. However, organic and microbial pollution led to certain parameters, such as BOD5, COD, and Coliform, exceeding the limits. The lowest water quality was recorded in Long An province, especially at sampling locations S3, S4, and S6, with the average WQI for nine water quality parameters from February to July 2022 being 58.4, 67.8, and 21.1, respectively. Additionally, the simulation outcomes of the MIKE 11 model salinity, BOD5, DO, and NH4 aligned with the real measurements taken. It has been observed that the southern area of the Vam Co River Basin possesses poorer water quality than the northern part, with Long An province located downstream of the Vam Co River basin being the primary source of pollution. The development of this hydraulic model signifies a crucial milestone in comprehending and regulating the effects of pollution in monitoring and managing water management systems, controlling saline intrusion, and ensuring water supply for agricultural production and daily use in the Vam Co River basin.

N. T. Phong, P. T. Vinh, N. D. Luan, P. H. Dung, A. H. Tanim, A. S. Gagnon, W. Lohpaisankrit, P. T. Hoa, P. N. Truong and N. D. Vuong

Role of Human Capital Accumulation in the Adoption of Sustainable Technology: An Overlapping Generations Model with Natural Resource Degradation

We develop an economic model to derive the conditions under which individuals will invest in human capital and move on to adopt sustainable technology instead of natural resource-intensive technology. For this purpose, we extend the overlapping generation model developed by Ikefuji & Horii as our analytical framework. Unlike Ikefuji & Horii who developed an overlapping generation model (OLG) in the context of local pollution, the authors adopted it in the context of renewable natural resources. To do this, we have introduced the production sector that relies on natural resource-intensive technology. This research extends beyond the Ikefuji & Horii model by assuming that an individual derives utility by investing in his child’s education apart from utility derived from consumption when young and adult. Human capital accumulation enables individuals to participate in human capital-intensive production, which produces output through sustainable production technology. As the main result of our theoretical analysis, we find that more educated individual is less dependent on the natural resource endowment for earning their income. We also find that sustainable consumption growth requires that individuals assign a certain positive weight to investment in their child’s education. A long-run steady-state equilibrium level of human capital accumulation is higher and higher than the weight assigned by the parents to the child’s education. In this overlapping generation’s economy, sustainable consumption growth requires that individuals assign a certain weight or give some importance to human capital accumulation. This follows from the fact that the long-run steady-state value of the income earned by an individual depends positively on the expenditure on education.

Shilpy Verma and Md. Raghib Nadeem

A Review of Deep Transfer Learning Strategy for Energy Forecasting

Over the past decades, energy forecasting has attracted many researchers. The electrification of the modern world influences the necessity of electricity load, wind energy, and solar energy forecasting in power sectors. Energy demand increases with the increase in population. The energy has inherent characteristics like volatility and uncertainty. So, the design of accurate energy forecasting is a critical task. The electricity load, wind, and solar energy are important for maintaining the energy supply-demand equilibrium non-conventionally. Energy demand can be handled effectively using accurate load, wind, and solar energy forecasting. It helps to maintain a sustainable environment by meeting the energy requirements accurately. The limitation in the availability of sufficient data becomes a hindrance to achieving accurate energy forecasting. The transfer learning strategy supports overcoming the hindrance by transferring the knowledge from the models of similar domains where sufficient data is available for training. The present study focuses on the importance of energy forecasting, discusses the basics of transfer learning, and describes the significance of transfer learning in load forecasting, wind energy forecasting, and solar energy forecasting. It also explores the reviews of work done by various researchers in electricity load forecasting, wind energy forecasting, and solar energy forecasting. It explores how the researchers utilized the transfer learning concepts and overcame the limitations of designing accurate electricity load, wind energy, and solar energy forecasting models.

S. Siva Sankari and P. Senthil Kumar

Distribution and Concentration of Pb, Cd, and Hg Metals Due to Land Use Influence on Sediment in Malili River, East Luwu Regency

This research was conducted in the waters of Malili River, East Luwu Regency, with 4 observation points in Malili River East Luwu Regency, namely: (a) Southeast Sulawesi Sub Das (Point 1) namely Pongkeru village bridge, Coordinate point 12126.69’8°” E; (b) Larona Sub Das Karebbe basin bridge (Point 2), Coordinate point 12115.09’9°” E; (c) The meeting point of Larona sub-dash and Pongkeru sub-dash (Point 3), coordinate point 12159.64’8°” E; (d) Upper Malili River, Malili village, Malili bridge (Point 4), Coordinate point 12147.20’5°” E. Metal concentration and distribution were analyzed descriptively with the help of images (maps), graphs, and tables. Differences in Pb, Cd, and Hg metal concentrations in sediments between point locations were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) through the SPSS version 22 program. The relation between grain size, organic matter, and Pb, Cd, and Hg metal concentrations was tested using linear correlation. The results showed that the sediment content of Pb and Cd metal concentrations at each point location did not exceed NOAA (1999) quality standards. In the sediment, Hg metal concentration exceeds the quality standards of NOAA (1999) at each point, namely point 1. Pongkeru 0.590 ?g.g-1, point 2. Karebbe 0.229 ?g.g-1, point 3. Kawasule 0.514 ?g.g-1 and point 4. Malili 0.358 ?g.g-1. The relation between sediment size and Pb, Cd, and Hg metal concentrations at each point location has a weak correlation. The relation does not significantly affect the content of heavy metals in the sediment. It may be due to other factors, such as the source of heavy metal pollutants in each different point location. The relation between organic matter and the concentration of Pb, Cd, and Hg metals at each point location has a weak correlation. The relation does not significantly affect the content of heavy metals in the sediment because it may be due to other factors, such as different sources of heavy metal pollutants in each point location.

Nurhasmiati Nurhasmiati, Muhammad Farid Samawi, Mahatma Lanuru, Paulina Taba, Fahruddin Fahruddin and M. Tumpu

Carbon Storage Potential of Soil in Diverse Terrestrial Ecosystems

Soil is one of the largest carbon reservoirs sequestering more carbon than vegetation and atmosphere. Due to the enormous potential of soil to sequester atmospheric CO2, it becomes a feasible option to alleviate the current and impending effects of changing climate. Soil is a vulnerable resource globally because it is highly susceptible to global environmental problems such as land degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Therefore, protecting and monitoring worldwide soil carbon pools is a complicated challenge. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a vital factor affecting soil health since it is a major component of SOM and contributes to food production. This review attempts to summarize the information on carbon sequestration, storage, and carbon pools in the major terrestrial ecosystems and underpin soil carbon responses under climate change and mitigation strategies. Topography, pedogenic, and climatic factors mainly affect carbon input and stabilization. Humid conditions and low temperature favor high soil organic carbon content. Whereas warmer and drier regions have low SOC stocks. Tropical peatlands and mangrove ecosystems have the highest SOC stock. The soil of drylands stores 95% of the global Soil Inorganic Carbon (SIC) stock. Grasslands include rangelands, shrublands, pasturelands, and croplands. They hold about 1/5th of the world’s total soil carbon stocks.

Shiwani Sharma, Pankaj Kumar Jain and Prama Esther Soloman

Evaluation of Cr(VI) Reducing Capability of Bacillus licheniformis DAS1 Using a Multifactor Experimental Approach

The current study is about detoxifying soil and water contaminated with toxic Cr(VI). To ensure that DAS1 could develop as well as possible, the pH was changed between 4 and 10. DAS1 showed its highest growth at pH 8, and at the same pH, it had an 85% potential to remediate by converting Cr(VI) to Cr(III). Immobilized bacteria increased the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) from the culture medium to 90.4%. The impact of glucose concentrations between 0.5 and 2.5 g.L-1 was examined. The greatest development was seen at pH 8 and 2 g.L-1 glucose concentration. The remediation potential was improved by up to 96% when the growing medium contained 200 mg.L-1 Cr(VI). The value of ks (0.434 g.L-1) demonstrated the substrate’s affinity for bacteria in accordance with the Monod equation, while ? max (0.090 h) demonstrated that DAS1 required 11.11 h for maximal growth. The multifactor experimental design was used to analyze mixed cultures of DAS1 and DAS2 in a 1:1 ratio, and it was determined that the X3Y2Z1 experiment design was best for completely removing Cr(VI) from the growing medium. By making pores using Na2EDTA, it was determined that the cell membrane’s impermeability did not cause Cr(VI) resistance in DAS1. The delayed lag phase indicated that the enzyme activity was inductive rather than constitutive.

Md. Saduzzaman, Kumari Mini, Shardendu Shardendu and S. Rehan Ahmad

An Analysis of the Effects that South Africa’s Informal Settlements have had on the Country’s River Systems

The quality of surface water has a significant impact on human health and the entire ecological system. Sewer spillages from the surrounding informal settlements discharging into the river, carrying high concentrations of fecal coliforms, are one of the major causes of extreme pollution in the rivers of South Africa. These informal settlements are common in many developing countries, and they are usually located near waterways to compensate for basic demands for water, sanitation, and recreational space, where municipal infrastructure lags behind urban growth. One major problem has been poor sanitation and poor waste disposal practices in the informal settlements, which has led to the contamination of water resources. This study aims to assess the extent to which poor sanitation in informal settlements impacts the water quality of South African rivers, given the rapid rise in population and unemployment rate. The study also highlights health and environmental issues in the local regions caused by poor sanitation. Contamination of water bodies is associated with serious health problems and fatalities. Therefore, there is a need for frequent monitoring and management of waste products discharged into the neighboring aquatic environments.

B. Gqomfa, T. Maphanga and B. S. Madonsela

Quantification of Methane Emissions Rate Using Landgem Model and Estimating the Hydrogen Production Potential from Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site

In India, solid waste is deposited mostly in uncontrolled open landfills without proper segregation and handling methods. Organic wastes dumped in a landfill undergo anaerobic decomposition and emit landfill gases like methane and carbon dioxide. Landfill gases are a significant contributor to greenhouse gases and greatly impact climate change. In the interim, reducing gas emissions and controlling and recycling such gasses is important from environmental hygienic, and global perspectives. Landfill gas has tremendous potential to convert as a source of alternative fuel. The present study estimates the CH4 (Methane) and CO2 (Carbon dioxide) emissions and quantifies the renewable energy available and hydrogen production potential using the LandGEM 3.02 empirical models for the Kanuru, Vijayawada landfill. It was observed that methane emission peaked in 2042 with an emission rate according to the model was 2.51E+08 Metric tons CO2 equivalents. The gas-recovery system is an essential component in landfills for extracting energy with 75-80?ficiency; the generation rate of greenhouse gases will reduce to around 1.78E06 Mg of CO2 eq. The predicted methane emissions vary from 1.33E6-9.22E6 cu.m per year for the period of 2010-2042. It was also estimated that annual energy production from LFG emissions was from 1.8-130 GWh per year, and hydrogen production potential was 0.6-43.3 Gg per year. The study concludes that projected scientific data will assist policymakers in creating sustainable MSW management by bridging the gap between sustainable renewable energy production and protecting the environment. The basic objectives of the study include the quantification of landfill gas production using the LandGEM model for Vijayawada, assessing the electricity generation potential of the landfill methane gas emitted, methane and carbon dioxide recovery from landfills with energy conversion could reduce GHG emissions, and estimation of hydrogen generation potential from the landfill methane emissions.

C. Ramprasad, A. Anandhu and A. Abarna

The Effect of Government Subsidies on Innovation Capability of the New Energy Vehicle Industry

Countries all over the world are paying attention to the growth of the new energy vehicle industry and implementing various subsidy policies to stimulate industry development to enhance the new energy vehicle industry’s innovative capability. This study uses a network DEA model to analyze China’s new energy vehicle industry’s technological innovation capability, decomposing it into two stages: technology development and innovation transformation, and calculating the innovation capability level of China’s new energy vehicle industry from 2012 to 2017. The findings show that due to a disconnect between the efficiency of the technology development stage and the efficiency of the innovation transformation stage, innovation technology cannot serve business operations, resulting in China’s new energy vehicle industry’s overall low level of innovation capability. Based on this, an IT3SLS analysis of the factors influencing innovation capability and phase-by-phase efficiency reveals that while China’s new energy vehicle industry’s subsidy policy has historically failed to significantly improve innovation capability, there is a complementary/substitution effect between labor input, corporate capital, and government subsidies. Based on the findings of this study, important policy recommendations are made to further develop the technological capabilities of the new energy vehicle industry in the context of China’s present new energy policy.

Guixing Yang

Chemistry, Metabolism and Neurotoxicity of Organophosphorus Insecticides: A Review

Organophosphorus compounds (OPs) are phosphoric acid derivatives represented by the formula (R2XP=O/S), R as organic groups; however, they need not contain a direct carbon-phosphorus bond. The organophosphorus compounds can be categorized into three classes, viz., organophosphates, carbamates nerve agents. The OPs having application as insecticides are generally phosphorothioates (i.e., containing P=S bond). These sulfur analogs are first bioactivated (in vivo) and converted to oxygen analogs responsible for exerting toxic action. These organophosphorus compounds are esters, fluorides, anhydrides, and amides of phosphoric, phosphorothioate, and phosphorodithioic acids. The toxicity of OPs is related to their molecular structure, metabolism in the targeted organisms, concentration, mode of decomposition, application, ingestion in organisms, etc. Exposure to OPs leads to the appearance of neurological symptoms followed by acute poisoning by targeting the target primarily, acetylcholine (AChE). However, secondary targets and other harmful effects besides nerve system problems are also reported. Organophosphates poison insects and other animals, including birds, amphibians, and mammals. These chemicals can have neural effects (Neurotoxicity), non-neuronal effects, or acute toxicity, which may also result in fatality. Their uncontrollable widespread became a significant threat to the environment; thus, corrective measures have been essential to save living beings and the environment from further damage.

Ashutosh Singh, Abhishek Singh, Akhilesh Singh, Priti Singh, Vivek Singh, Yogender Singh, Hardeep Singh Tuli, Hadi Sajid Abdulabbas and Abhishek Chauhan

Palladium-Based Catalytic Treatment and a Rhizobacterial-Assisted Detoxification for the Enhanced Removal of Lindane

This study aimed to assess the efficacy of a bimetallic system consisting of Mg0-Pd0 and the bacterium Acinetobacter sp. for the complete detoxification of lindane. Our results demonstrate that palladium immobilized on activated charcoal achieved a removal rate of >99% for 100 mg.L-1 of Lindane within 10 minutes, with the accumulation of trace amounts of intermediates. The reductive transformation of lindane followed 1st-order kinetics, with a calculated rate constant (kobs) of 0.77 min-1. The bimetallic system resulted in the formation of a non-toxic hydrocarbon as the end-product, indicating complete dehalogenation of lindane. Furthermore, Acinetobacter sp. effectively mineralized >98% of 100 mg.L-1 of Lindane after 26 h of cultivation without any accumulation of toxic metabolite(s) in the reaction medium, demonstrating the efficiency of the biological system. Integrating both chemical and biological systems could provide significant advantages for the treatment of lindane, reducing the treatment time and overall cost. This synergistic approach can significantly enhance the overall removal efficiency of lindane from contaminated soil and water.

Rachana Sharma and Prabhu Thangadurai

Heavy Metal Contamination Assessment in Sediments, Soils and Surface Waters in Agriculture-Based Rural Chhattisgarh, India, and Evaluation of Irrigation Water Quality

Regional geochemical mapping was carried out in Bilaspur and Korba Districts of Chhattisgarh, and stream sediments/slope wash, soil, and water samples were analyzed for concentration of heavy metals. The study contributes to understanding heavy metals contamination of sediments, soils, and water due to anthropogenic activity, mainly in agriculture-based rural areas. The study reveals that high geochemical anomalies observed for heavy metals like Ni, Cr, As, and Zn in sediments and soil samples are due to the extensive uses of phosphatic fertilizer and soil amendments in the form of poultry and swine manure. Water quality assessment of major streams in the study areas shows that the water is suitable for domestic and agricultural uses. Correlation analysis reveals that the chemical weathering of rock-forming minerals doesn’t control the surface water chemistry of the study area and is also an anthropogenic source of sodium in water. This study also shows the importance of the country’s geochemical mapping database, which will have much broader applications than conventional mineral exploration and geological mapping.

Manash Protim Baruah, Subhajit Das, Monjil Rajkonwar and Mahesh Thirumala

Predictability Augmentation by In-silico Study to In-vivo and In-vitro Results of Lung Doses of Airborne Fine and Ultrafine Particles Inhaled by Humans at Industrial Workplaces

This study correlates computational predictions with in vivo and in vitro experimental results of inhaled fine and ultrafine particulate matter (PM) transport, dissemination, and deposition in the human respiratory airways. Epidemiological studies suggest that workplace exposure to anthropogenic pollutant PMs is a risk factor for increased susceptibility to acute broncho-pulmonary illnesses. However, investigations on detailed human inhalation and PM transport processes are restrictive from time, cost, and ethical perspectives. Computational simulation based on the Multiple Path Particle Dosimetry (MPPD) model was employed to quantify the risks associated with workplace exposure of these PMs. Here, the physical, mechanical, and electrical properties of PMs of carbon black (CB) and ultrafine particles (UFPs) from wire-cut electrical discharge machining (WEDM), with mass median aerodynamic diameter (CMAD) in the range of 1 nm to 1000 nm, were used as input parameters of MPPD. Additionally, it mimicked occupational workers’ age, body mass index, and oronasal-combinational nose and mouth breathing exposure time. The deposition results were compared with several vivo and in vitro experimental data reported in the literature, and satisfactory agreements were found. For example, a total lung dose of CB-PMs of 100 nm is the highest (28%), while a 380 nm dose is the lowest (15%). Afterward, deposition increases with particle size, reaching 26% for 1000 nm. In the case of WEDM-UFPs, about 98% of all 1.0 nm inhaled particles remain in the lung. Subsequently, the deposition dose decreases with the particle size and reaches up to 28% for 100 nm particles. Approximately 51% of deposited WEDM-UFPs are of CMAD ? 5 nm. The images of lung geometry also observed the maximum deposited mass and mass flux rate in the head, tracheobronchial, and pulmonary airways.

M. Ali

Multivariant Assessment of Metals Using Liverworts as an Appealing Tool in Catchment Sites of Uttarakhand, India

This study aimed to conduct a systematic review to analyze heavy metals seasonal concentrations in Uttarakhand tourist hotspot cities (Almora, Nainital, Ranikhet, Mussoorie, and Dhanaulti). A total of 45 samples of liverwort Dumotiera hirsuta were collected from five different cities during winter (Dry deposition) and monsoon (Wet deposition) in the year 2021. The concentrations of Zn, As, Cd, and Pb due to anthropogenic pollution load in the selected locations were analyzed by active biomonitoring using Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Concentration loading of zinc, arsenic, cadmium, and lead was observed to be 79%, 71%, 48%, and 33%, respectively, higher during the dry (winter) season when compared with the monsoon dataset. Multivariant data were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with three components explaining maximum variation in data by factor loading through varimax rotation. The rapid growth and development have connected tourists to the mountain of the western Himalayas. Thus, a monitoring program is needed in these areas for further assessment. So that necessary action can be taken to conserve the eco-sensitive zones of Uttarakhand.

Priyank Chaturvedi, Shivom Singh and Kajal S. Rathore

Removal of Brilliant Green Dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs): Linear and Nonlinear Isotherm Models and Error Analysis

Current research explains the comparison of linear and nonlinear regression methods for finding the optimal isotherm study using experimental data for the adsorption of BG on multi-walled carbon nanotubes MWCNTs. BG dye maximum adsorption onto MWCNTs occurred at pH 2 and 35°C, with the apparent equilibrium reached after 15 min. In this study, five error functions were used: ERRS, Hybrid, Chi-square (?2), ARE, and EABS. The values of error functions suggest that the Langmuir Linear type 3 is a suitable isotherm to describe the adsorption of BG on MWCNTs. The results showed that the Langmuir isotherm is a fit good isotherm to describe the adsorption process. The coefficient of non-determination (K2) showed Hybrid, and ERRS were the preferable error functions used to predict the fit of linear and nonlinear isotherm models. Compared with other studies, MWCNTs can be used as a low-cost adsorbent with low contact time for the removal of BG dye from an aqueous solution.

N. I. Mahdi, M.S. Falih, R. F. Abbas, A. A. Waheb and A. A. Rahi

Studies on the Contamination of Heavy Metals and Their Chemical Speciation in Sediment from Selected Locations of Pune District

The heavy metal speciation analysis in sediments helps us understand and evaluate essential and unavoidable issues in terms of both health and environmental hazards imposed by these metals in our lives. Analyzing the total content of heavy metals enables us to understand only the quantity of the contaminants. To understand the different species or the chemical forms of heavy metals available in the sediments, we must study their speciation. Speciation studies help us determine their possible sources as well as their environmental stability in terms of availability to plants and other organisms. The heavy metals in this study were specified using four-stage sequential extraction, also known as the BCR technique. This study mainly highlights the quantification of metal contamination of Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd & Cr, and chemical forms as species in sediment samples collected from different Pune District, Maharashtra sites. Heavy metal contamination from the collected samples was analyzed with the use of flame atomic absorption spectrometry. This study indicated that Zn and Ni are among the most abundant metals in the sediment samples; however, Cu and Cd belong to the least abundant category. The oxidizable and residual forms (immobile and cannot be used by the organisms readily) appeared dominant for most heavy metals. Very significant differences were observed in the speciation of heavy metals from sample to sample, which was probably due to differences in water/soil composition and the agrochemicals like pesticides, weedicides, and fertilizers used in agricultural practices; the wastewater generated from different pharmaceuticals, chemical processing and manufacturing industries as well as the improper wastewater treatment methods.

Parveen Hassanpourfard, Ashish Vilas Mane and Kaushik Banerjee

Biodiesel from Dunaliella salina Microalgae Using Base Catalyzed Transesterification – An Assessment through GC/MS, FTIR and NMR Studies

Algal biofuels are a promising renewable feedstock to produce energy that can supplement future energy demands greatly. The present study aims to utilize Dunaliella salina, a hypersaline, unicellular greenish-orange micro-algae, to produce bio-oil. F/2 nutrient media and trace metal and vitamin solution under carbon-dioxide-rich conditions were used to cultivate the microalgae. Ultrasonic extraction method at 60 Hz for 90 min isolated 650 mL of bio-oil. A single-stage based-catalyzed transesterification process with methanol and sodium hydroxide yielded 380 mL of Pure Dunaliella salina biodiesel at % an extraction efficiency of 87%. The Phytochemical screening on the cultivated Dunaliella sp. was performed to understand its feasibility to be used as a fuel for IC engines. Furthermore, the obtained biodiesel was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR), Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GCMS), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectral analysis.

V. Hariram, M. Janarthanan, R. Christu Paul, A. Sivasankar, M. Wasim Akram, E. Sangeethkumar, V. Ramanathan, P. Sajid Khan and S. Manikanta Reddy

Ability of Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) And Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) To Remove Methylene Blue Anionic Surfactant (MBAS) From Detergent Wastewater

ABS was the first surfactant used in detergent formulations, but because its molecular structure is branched, it is difficult to decompose biologically, making ABS a toxic compound for the environment. This study aims to remove MBAS surfactant, using a combination of phytoremediation and filtration methods to remove surfactant (MBAS) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) from detergent wastewater by optimizing operating factors such as pH, contact time, plant type, and filter media. Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) were selected as plant species and silica-activated carbon was used as filter media. Water lettuce and hyacinth were grown in a 10-liter reactor with detergent wastewater samples for 6 and 12 days. Filter media are placed in the reactor in use, and aeration is done. The efficiency for reducing COD was 81.73%, and the efficiency for surfactant was 99.42% for each experiment, which was thought to be because of plant adsorption and filtering processes. The water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) plant had the maximum adsorption capability for all the qualities evaluated, with a surfactant content in the roots of 27543.24 (mg/kg MBAS), compared to the water hyacinth plant, which only absorbed 2597.95 (mg/kg MBAS).

N. Hendrasarie and C. Redina

Carbon Emissions from Energy Use in India: Decomposition Analysis

To become the fastest-growing large economy in the world, India has set a target growth rate of 9%, reaching an economy of $5 trillion by 2024-25. It is an immense challenge to meet the growth target and keep the CO2 emissions under control. The present paper aims to discover the determinants for explaining CO2 emissions in India by conducting a complete decomposition analysis, where the residuals are fully distributed to the determinants for the country from 1990-2018. The analysis reveals that the biggest contributor to the rise in CO2 emissions in India is the expansion of the economy (scale effect). The intensity of CO2 and the change in the composition of the economy, which nearly move in tandem, also contribute to the rise in CO2 emissions, although more slowly. A declining energy intensity of the Indian economy is responsible for a considerable reduction in CO2 emissions. As a typical result for an upcoming economy, this paper did not find evidence for an environmental Kuznets curve. This implies that continued economic growth will lead to increased CO2 emissions.

Sebak Kumar Jana and Wietze Lise

Impact of Nanoplastics on Marine Life: A Review

Minute plastic subdivisions like microplastics and nanoplastics have recently gained considerable attention because of their toxic effects on the environment and human health. Many plastics have been consumed worldwide regularly, and most are thrown away after a single use. They all end up in the sea and ocean, leading to a large debris of plastic garbage in the marine environment. Different physical and chemical processes occur in the marine ecosystem to degrade the macroplastics into micro- and nano-level plastics. Owing to their small size and large surface area, nanoplastics can easily be ingested into the tissues and organs of various marine species (both vertebrates and invertebrates) and accumulate more toxic materials in them than micro and macroplastics. Several reports have been obtained on the toxicity of plastics and microplastics on marine organisms. Still, till now, a cursory report has been found on the potential risk of nanoplastics in connection with marine life. This review highlights the origins of nanoplastics (NPs), their properties, characterization, and impact on marine ecosystems, along with their remediation and future aspects. The review will also untangle and specify the area of nanoplastics on which further research is urgently needed to better understand its toxic effect and eco-friendly restoration on the environment, especially on marine life.

S. Das

Assessment and Characterization of Leather Solid Waste from Sheba Leather Industry PLC, Wukro, Ethiopia

Leather manufacturing processes raw hides and skins into various finished leather products, generating huge amounts of untanned and untanned leather solid wastes (LSWs). The present study investigates the LSWs generation, characterization, and management practices of the Sheba leather industry in Ethiopia. Results revealed that LSWs are categorized as non-chrome solid waste, including de-dusted salt, raw trimming, hairs, fleshing waste, pickle trimming, and splitting wastes. Chrome-based wastes include chrome shaving waste, crust leather trimming waste, buffing dust waste, finished leather trimming waste, etc. Further, solid wastes were characterized for the physico-chemical parameters viz. moisture (31.5%), ash content (7.3%), pH (5.7), carbon content (14.7%), nitrogen content (0.3%), chromium content (2%), calorific value (20,107, VOCs (75.1%) and carbon to nitrogen ratio (52:1). Results obtained suggested various sustainable technological options for the effective LSWs management to preserve environment.

Desnet Gebrekidan Tegadye, Chhotu Ram and Kibrom Alebel

Assessment of SO2 Emissions from Cement Industries Utilizing Limestone with High Pyritic Sulfur Content: Case Study of Cement Plants in the Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya, India

In properly operated Cement Plants, SO2 emissions are mostly caused by pyritic sulfur (sulfides) in the used limestones, accounting for approximately 85% of the raw mill in the plant. However, the pyritic sulfur content in limestones of the Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya and their influence on the SO2 Emission from cement industries of Meghalaya have not been studied so far. The current study is conducted to perform an in-depth investigation of pyritic sulfur content in limestone reserves used by Meghalaya Cement Industries to assess the SO2 emission in the cement industries using high pyritic sulfur limestones and review the existing technology for the recommendation of the most suitable technology to minimize the SO2 Emissions. Random testing of collected limestone samples from various locations of Captive Mining sites in Cement Industries is performed to assess average pyritic sulfur concentration along different mining benches. Pyritic Sulfur Content (wt.%) in collected limestones varies from 0.15% to 3.5%. Polynomial Regression Analysis shows that Avg.SO2 Emission(Y) from Klin Stack can be represented as a function of pyritic sulfur content (X) (wt.%) of used limestones in the process: Y = 273.7X2 + 21.46X + 422.76. Based on the pyritic sulfur content in limestones, it is observed that “the more the Pyritic Sulfur content is, Darker the Limestone Samples are.” Hence, A Colour Scale has been prepared to visualize higher pyritic sulfur content in limestones. For longer-term sustainability, installing a Flue-Gas Desulfurization (FGD) unit at the kiln stack outlet may be included in the manufacturing process of cement plants to reduce the SO2 Emissions from Stack.

Arnab Mandal, M. K. Choudhury, Nazimuddin and Prashant Gargava

Decarbonization of the Building Sector in Morocco – A Systematic Review

This article is a systematic review of the decarbonization of the building sector in Morocco. It explores the different approaches and technologies used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve decarbonization targets in this sector. The article examines the policies and regulations in place in Morocco to encourage decarbonization of the building sector, as well as the initiatives taken by key actors to reduce carbon emissions in their buildings. It also reviews sustainable building technologies and renewable energy systems currently used in the country. The systematic review concludes that while Morocco has put in place policies and regulations to encourage the decarbonization of the building sector, there is still much to be done to achieve the ambitious decarbonization targets set by the country. The authors of the article recommend greater investment in sustainable building technologies and renewable energies, as well as increased collaboration between public and private sector actors to accelerate the transition to low-carbon buildings.

S. EL Majaty, A. Touzani and Y. Kasseh

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring with Reference to Particulate Matter (PM10) in Kolhapur City

Air is an important medium for all living beings and is essential for the well-being of all. Monitoring of air is important to know the quality of air. The air quality monitoring was carried out in Kolhapur City under the National Air Monitoring Program. The present study involves the assessment of PM10 as described in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The source apportionment study related to particulate matter was carried out in Kolhapur City. The study also determined the average PM10 concentration in the city as it will be useful for preparing an action plan to reduce PM10 concentration. PM10 concentration was calculated as per the standard method adopted by CPCB. Sampling was carried out for 8 hours in three shifts twice a week at each sampling site for three consecutive years. Mahadwar Road (MR) and Dabholkar Corner (DC) were selected per the surrounding residential area, population density, and traffic conjunction. The third site Shivaji University (SUK), was selected as a control site. The results indicated that the PM10 level has risen above the prescribed standards of NAAQS. The reason for the rise in PM10 may be due to fossil fuel burning, construction activity, vehicles, and unpaved roads. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique is used to check the equality of the mean concentration of PM10 at these three locations and found a significant difference between mean concentrations of PM10, suggesting increased particulate matter.

C. S. Bhosale, P. R. Mane, J. S. Salunkhe, V. M. Mothgare, S. S. Sutar, S. B. Manglekar, A. S. Jadhav and P. D. Raut

Heavy Metal Remediation from Water/Wastewater Using Bioadsorbents - A Review

This paper aims to emphasize heavy metals’ impact on water and its removal mechanism with a focus on adsorption. Furthermore, factors affecting bio adsorption, such as temperature, pH, RPM, and initial heavy metal concentration, have been studied for different heavy metals and bioadsorbents. A comparison of their adsorption capacities and efficiencies has been made. This review reviewed different bioadsorbents for their suitability in removing cadmium, lead, and copper ions from water and wastewater, typically by using adsorption as a methodology. A suitable summary compares various heavy metal removal techniques and their advantages and limitations. For adsorption, the characteristics of bioadsorbents and their activation steps have been consolidated. Furthermore, the effects of operational parameters and adsorption mechanisms have been discussed in the review. Apart from assessing the suitability of bioadsorbent, a novel bioadsorbent has been suggested for copper ions removal. The findings shall be significantly useful in applying bioadsorbent in water/wastewater treatment fields to reduce heavy metal pollution. Thorough and well-planned research in this field can facilitate the creation of sustainable and durable technology for wastewater treatment, addressing the increasing demand for safe and dependable water resources, focusing on making it cost-effective and recyclable.

Akhil Tewari, Dinesh S. Bhutada and Vinayak Wadgaonkar

Effects of Natural Radioactivity of Some Chemical and Organic Fertilizers on Gonads in Iraqi Kufa Markets

This study assessed the hazard indicators of common chemical and organic fertilizers widely available in the markets of Najaf Governorate, Iraq. The concentrations of natural radionuclides were measured in thirteen types of fertilizers by Gamma spectrum using NaI(Tl) (3*3) detector. The average radioactivity of the nuclides 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K was (48.91, 37.04, and 702.4675), respectively, for (Di-Aluminum Phosphate) the chemical fertilizers of the type (DAP) and the (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) chemical fertilizers of the type (NPK) the average radioactivity of the nuclides 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K were (35.78, 42.356 and 1519.653), respectively, while the average radioactivity of the organic fertilizers (Orga.) were 55.153, 23.148 and 1451.258 for the three studied nuclei. As for the average values for radium equivalent were 155.967, 213.363, and 200.0023 ( for (DAP), (NPK) and organic fertilizers, respectively. The values of the external severity index (Hex), gamma radiation hazard index (I?), and representative alpha index (I?) were within the permissible limits determined by the UNCEAR 2000. The highest value of total annual effective dose equivalent(TAED) was 1.468 mSv.y-1, the lowest value was 0.302 mSv.y-1, and the mean values were 0.722 mSv.y-1. In contrast, the highest value for annual gonadal dose equivalent(AGED) was 1392.527 ?Sv.y-1, the lowest value was 275.361 ?Sv.y-1, and the average values for all models were 672.135 ?Sv.y-1. The Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR), the highest value was 4.039 × 10-3, the lowest value was 0.833× 10-3, and the average value was 1.988× 10-3 for all fertilizers. The Pearson correlation between radioactive variables and cluster analysis was recognized for the three types of fertilizer samples despite it not being widely accepted. The study can be considered preliminary data for subsequent studies.

Abdulhussein A. Alkufi, Shaymaa A. Kadhim, Azhar S. Alaboodi and Shatha F. Alhous

Defluoridation of Water by Biowaste Material – A Study of Adsorption Kinetics and Isotherms

Human beings experience adversative effects due to the large fluoride concentrations present in potable water. Because of the low cost and simple operation, the extensively acknowledged process is adsorption. The objective of this study is to investigate the performance of some of the prepared carbons from bio-waste materials viz., Citrus limon, Citrus nobilis, Pithecellobium dulce, and Bombax malabaricum sheaths in defluoridation. Initial concentration, particle size, agitation time, adsorbent dose, and pH were the different parameters chosen to study their effect on adsorption. Studied the adsorption kinetics. Further suitability to adsorption isotherms was reviewed.

K. Kiran Kumar, Ratnakaram Venkata Nadh, Kaza Somasekhara Rao and G. Krishnaveni

Emerging Trends in Wastewater Treatment of Semiconductor Industry: A Review

The semiconductor industry produces a lot of wastewater. These wastewaters can affect the environment if they are not treated. As a result, one of the semiconductor industry’s primary concerns and duties is the treatment and disposal of wastewater from the industry. Many processes, including electrocoagulation, electro-adsorption, and coagulation-flocculation using both natural and synthetic coagulants, have been invented over the years for purifying semiconductor effluent. The long-term viability of this system is unknown although it generates solid by-products (sludge) and requires routine sludge disposal, both of which raise the operational expenses of effluent treatment. Thus, a sustainable alternative method of removing contaminants from the semiconductor industry is needed to advance toward pollution prevention and green innovation. The hydrodynamic cavitation technique has improved over time and is useful for treating water and wastewater. This article gives an insight into different wastewater technologies, so proper technology must be chosen.

Hemant S. Sadafale and R.W. Gaikwad

Assessment of the Vulnerability of Groundwater to Biological Contamination in the Khartoum State, Sudan

This study aims to determine how vulnerable groundwater in Khartoum is to contamination. For this purpose, the DRASTIC Index idea was used. A descriptive cross-sectional analytical analysis is designed in this study. A total of 279 boreholes were sampled from a total of 1015 boreholes (27.5 percent). The following criteria were utilized to define the DRASTIC Index: depth, net recharge, aquifer media, soil texture, terrain, video media, and soil conductivity. Standard bacteriological test methodologies were used for groundwater. The biological data from the 279 boreholes revealed that total coliform, thermo-tolerant coliform, and E. coli were found in 34.4 percent, 18.6 percent, and 0.36 percent of the boreholes, respectively. Bacteriological contamination is common in Sharge Elnile, although only a few cases have been reported in Khartoum. According to the study, the bulk of boreholes in Khartoum State were built without any criteria. Many sources of contamination were discovered within a radius of less than 120 meters, which was deemed to violate Khartoum State’s Environmental Health Law of 2002. For this reason, bacteriological contamination is common in Sharge Elnile, although only a few cases have been reported in Khartoum.

H. B. Abbas, A. E. Elmanssury, S. A. Dafaalla and S. Arif Pasha

Influence of Yeast Bioinoculant Isolated from Indian Date Palm Tree (Phoenix sylvestris) Sap on the Health of Wheat Crop and Soil

In this study, three promising yeast isolates were isolated from the sap of the Indian date palm tree (Phoenix sylvestris) and characterized by biochemical tests and 18S rRNA gene sequencing. They were confirmed as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and were designated as strains PYS-1, PYS-2, and PYS-3. These confirmed strains were used for the preparation of bioinoculants. Bioinoculant was prepared and applied to wheat crops, and the effect of Bioinoculant. Statistical analysis is carried out using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and it is found that the absorbance of chlorophyll, protein, and Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) content is significantly increased. The treatment of bioinoculant showed that crops significantly increased chlorophyll, protein, and IAA content. Further, we applied bioinoculant on the soil and measured the soil’s humus content before and after the treatment of bioinoculant. Then, a paired t-test was applied to check the effectiveness of the treatment, and it was found to significantly increase humus content in the soil. The use of bioinoculants is an economically feasible and eco-friendly method.

M. S. Ambawade, N. V. Manghwani, P. R. Madhyani, A. M. Shaikh, D. D. Patil and G. R. Pathade

Production of a Database on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP) and the Elaboration of Projection Scenarios of these Emissions Using the LEAP Software - The Case of Morocco

Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) have significant effects on climate, human health, and the environment. In Morocco, steps are being taken to reduce SLCP emissions, but effective policymaking requires a thorough understanding of emission sources and trends. In this paper, we present a study on the production of a database on SLCP emissions in Morocco, as well as the development of scenarios to project these emissions using LEAP software. The results of this analysis allow us to better understand the emissions sources and evaluate the impact of different emission reduction policies.

Y. Kasseh, A. Touzani and S. EL Majaty

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Clinical Trials: Implementing Sustainable Practices in Clinical Research

Sustainable clinical trials involve conducting trials in a socially conscious and environmentally responsible manner. This involves considering the effects of clinical trials on the environment and the populations engaged in the studies. The pharmaceutical sector, particularly clinical research, is a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The need for a legal framework considering the environmental impact of hundreds of global clinical trials cannot be overstated. Clinical trials’ carbon footprint is a complex subject that calls for cooperation from various parties, including researchers, trial sponsors, healthcare providers, and regulatory organizations. The waste generated during clinical trials, including packaging materials, laboratory supplies, and hazardous waste from the disposal of clinical samples, can adversely affect public health and the environment. Therefore, addressing this issue is essential to ensure that clinical trials are conducted in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. The purpose of this study is to discuss potential strategies to cut down on carbon emissions, discuss the challenges in setting up clinical trials in an environmentally sustainable way, and highlight the importance of a precautionary approach during the various phases of conducting clinical trials. Although there is limited research on greenhouse gas emissions generated by clinical trials, it is evident that more work needs to be done in this field.

Aditi Nidhi

An Eco-friendly Solution for Oil Spill Absorption

It is extremely difficult to clean up accidental oil spills in water since conventional oil sorbents absorb much more water in addition to the oil. Alternatively, cleanup techniques might lead to secondary contamination. This study examines and measures the oil absorption capacities of two hydrophobic natural fibers: water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). At the laboratory scale, the absorption of engine oil, vegetable oil, and diesel oils onto various dry biomass materials, including water hyacinth and lotus with different particle sizes (BSS-44, BSS-60, BSS-100, BSS-120, BSS-160, and BSS-200), was investigated. Water hyacinth shows a higher absorption efficiency for all samples as compared to the lotus.

Ahmad Arquam, Minal Deshmukh and Aadil Pathan

Effect of Fulvic Acid on the Denitrification in Deep Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration System

This work aims to explore the impact of fulvic acid (FA) on denitrification within the purification process of sewage in the deep subsurface wastewater infiltration system (DSWIS). In the system, an organic glass column (height = 2.40 m; radius = 0.30 m) was filled with several layers of soil. Simulated domestic wastewater and extracted FA from landfill leachate were used in the experiments. It was found that before and after the addition of FA, COD, and NH4+-N were efficiently removed when a hydraulic load was 8 cm·d-1. Moreover, after FA addition, the removal efficiency of TN was enhanced from 67.74% to 78.01%. Organic matter transformation analysis indicated that in the under part, the shortage of carbon sources limited the denitrification prior to FA addition, resulting in a low TN removal efficiency. However, after adding FA, more FA-like substances were transferred into protein-like matters than before the addition of FA, which has helped produce more easily biodegradable organics for denitrification. So, the addition of FA could enhance the denitrification process in the system of DSWIS.

Jingjing Lv, Jingjing Li, Yanyan Dou, Guoke Chen, Yubing Ye and Li’an Hou

Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB) and Osmopriming Mediated Morphological Changes and Triggers in Yield of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.) Under Water-Limiting Conditions

A field-based experiment was conducted to know the relevance of potassium solubilizing bacteria (KSB), and Osmo-priming mediated morphological changes and yielded recovery in green gram (Vigna radiata L.) under water-limiting conditions. Hence, the experiment was carried out at the research farm of Lovely Professional University. The characters like plant height, number of leaves, leaf area plant-1, and LAI were considered to track the morphological changes, while the primary branches, nodules, pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, the average length of the pod, test weight, biological yield, grain yield, and harvest index (HI) were used to determine the recovery of yield as compared to control. Among the treatments, T8 was recorded as one of the best treatments for all the morphological parameters studied, i.e., plant height (51.80 cm), number of leaves (42 plant-1), leaf area (577.27 cm2.plant-1) and LAI (1.92) while most of the yield contributing characters were found better in T6 i.e. nodules (8.3 plant-1), seeds pod-1 (10) and length of the pod (7.65 cm) except for the primary branches and the number of pods plant-1 which was remain recorded maximum in T8 (6.0 and 22). The yield of green gram and its biological yield were recorded as highest in T6 and T2 (6.83 and 24.23 g.plant-1), while HI and test weight were also noted in T6 (32.0% and 5.90 g). This study has concluded that the KSB, combined with KNO3, showed a strong potential to modify the morphological structure while the yield of green gram was in KSB + Ca(NO3)2 under water scarcity.

A. Kalangutkar and A. Siddique

Intellectual Property Rights Regime in Green Technology: Way Forward to Sustainability

Climate change crises and environmental imbalances have been a significant concern globally in recent times. The climatic changes give rise to various issues such as global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, deterioration of natural resources, soil erosion, deforestation, and more. Many international and national agreements and policies have been created to protect the environment, from the UNFCCC to the recent Paris Agreement, aiming to control rising environmental issues. However, developed and developing countries must achieve desirable results in combating climate change. Industrial and technological developments are critical reasons for environmental pollution and degradation. Progress is necessary for planned developing countries, but growth and expansions shall also consider ecological sustainability. Technology shall be novel in adapting to the changes, considering the effects it can produce on the environment. Green technology combines technology with the environment, also called environmental technology, clean technology, or sustainable technology. It is a combination of science and technology together to mitigate climatic changes and protect the environment. Green technology is the modern sustainable solution to pressing environmental concerns. India is one of the countries globally showing rapid green technology developments. The authors of this paper have tried to highlight the dire need to modify technological developments vis-a-vis environmental sustainability to protect the environment. The research paper delves into and understands the interface between clean technology’s importance and relevance for ecological sustainability and the role of patent law, particularly in dealing with issues of the environment. The paper shall also establish a harmonious relationship between patent law and its role in ensuring environmental sustainability.

Z. A. Khan and Shireen Singh

Saccharification of Various Wastepaper Materials by Cellulase from Brown Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum) at Different Incubation pH Values

Increased solid waste pollution and the negative effect of fossil fuel consumption on the environment are issues that would require more scientific attention and application to deal effectively with these phenomena. Wastepaper, a major component of solid waste, is classified as organic waste due to the presence of cellulose, a glucose-based biopolymer that is part of its structural composition. The saccharification of cellulose into glucose, a fermentable sugar, can be achieved with a hydrolytic enzyme known as cellulase. Although cellulase from fungal species such as Trichoderma, Aspergillus, and Penicillium are well described, knowledge about cellulase isolated from the brown garden snail is limited as it has not been the subject of many research endeavors. The waste paper has been described as a suitable resource for bio-energy development due to cellulose, a structural component of this bio-material that can be degraded into glucose, a fermentable sugar. Although paper materials such as newspaper, office paper, filter paper, Woolworths and Pick and Pay (retailers) advertising paper, as well as foolscap paper, were saccharified by different cellulases, the degradation of these paper materials by garden snail cellulase is a novel investigation from our laboratory. With the effects of temperature and incubation time on this cellulase action when degraded paper materials have already been investigated and reported, this study dealt with the garden snail cellulase action when degraded paper materials at different pH values. Most of the paper materials were degraded optimally at a pH value of 6.0, while optimum saccharification was observed at pH 4.5 when newspaper and brown envelope paper were degraded, with office paper showing maximum bioconversion at pH 7.0. The difference in the structural composition of the paper materials also affects the degree of saccharification, as the amount of sugar released from the various paper materials at optimum pH values is not similar. Together with other catalytic parameters, the pH value of this enzymatic catalysis is also to be considered when designing the development of waste paper as a bio-product resource, with limiting environmental pollution as an additional advantage of this process.

T. M. Ndlovu and J. P. H. van Wyk

Household Energy Fuel Choice in Nigeria Residential Urban Area

In most Nigerian cities, there have been an increased number of trading in charcoals, firewood, and sawdust. Yet, the fast citing of cooking gas refilling stations in these areas requires much to be studied since their increasing number suggests great demand for cooking gas. The knowledge of the different household fuel choices and the drivers of this choice was lacking in Nigerian cities, thus the inability of energy policymakers to predict and plan household fuel agenda in Nigeria. The thrust of this paper was to analyze the household energy fuel choice and the pattern of consumption as well as analyze the household socioeconomic factors that influenced the fuel choice in the Abakaliki urban area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Stratified and simple random sampling was adopted in the study. Regression was used to consider the relationship between energy fuel choice and household socioeconomic factors. It was revealed that there was a mixture of traditional and modern energy fuel choices in the study area, with the modern energy fuel choices (gas and electricity) having higher patronage. There was a significant relationship between energy fuel choice and household socioeconomic factors. It was recommended, among others, that a clear energy fuel policy that will adopt the identified explorable household socioeconomic factors that influence the choice of energy fuel be developed.

O. J. Ubani, A. Okosun, G. Chukwurah and Ivo Henry

Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: A Study of India and its Neighbouring Countries Using ARDL Approach

This study aims to analyze the association between the share of agriculture in GDP and changes in climatic variables, notably per capita CO2 emissions and temperature change, using time series data of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal for the period 1961-2018. The ARDL bounds testing method was applied to analyze the relationships among the research variables for both short-term and long-term. The results revealed that in the long run, per capita CO2 emissions and temperature change have no statistically significant relationship with India and Nepal’s share of agriculture in GDP. However, temperature change has demonstrated a positive and statistically significant relationship with the share of agriculture in Bangladesh’s GDP. Temperature change has a significant and adverse impact on the share of agriculture in India’s GDP in the short run, whereas CO2 has no significant effect. In the short run, CO2 shows a positive and significant connection with the share of agriculture in Bangladesh’s GDP. Still, temperature change is negatively and significantly associated with the proportion of agriculture in the nation’s GDP. Different lag values of both CO2 and temperature change have significant relationships with the share of GDP in agriculture in the short run in Nepal. As agriculture is a key source of GDP for all three countries, it is vital to implement suitable policies and make plans and strategies to mitigate climate change’s harmful consequences in agriculture.

Mashud Ahmed and Paramita Saha

The Role of Stakeholders in Achieving Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study in Sragen Regency, Indonesia

Rice farming plays a crucial role in maintaining national resilience and stability. However, its sustainability is faced with complex and multidimensional challenges. One of the challenges agricultural sustainability faces is the reduction of farmland due to the construction of toll roads. The development of the Solo-Mantingan-Ngawi toll road has significantly impacted the reduction of agricultural land in Sragen Regency, the second-largest rice-producing area in Central Java after Grobogan. This issue will threaten national food security if left unaddressed without further intervention. The development of sustainable agriculture is expected to be a solution to promoting food resilience. However, stakeholder involvement is necessary for successful development. This research aims to identify the stakeholders involved in developing sustainable agriculture to promote food resilience in Sragen Regency. This study adopts a mixed-method approach with data collection through in-depth interviews. The analytical tool used in this research is MACTOR (Matrix of Alliance and Conflict: Tactic, Objectives, and Recommendation). The study identified the stakeholders influencing the development of sustainable agriculture in Sragen Regency as Farmer Groups, Farmers, Village Heads, Agriculture Extenders, and the Department of Agriculture and Food Security. These findings serve as a basis for developing collaborative patterns among all stakeholders required to develop sustainable agriculture to achieve food resilience in the Sragen Regency.

R. C. Sartika, Y. Purwaningsih, E. Gravitiani and P. Nitiyasa

Assessment of Particulate and Gaseous Fluoride in Phosphate Fertilizer Industry

Fluorides are emitted in both gaseous and particle forms in the industrial sector. However, studies usually only report total fluoride content. Therefore, the study aimed to assess the particulate, gaseous fluoride and correlate it with the respirable dust particles in Single Super Phosphate (SSP), Granular Single Super Phosphate (GSSP), and administration divisions of the industry. Respirable dust particles, particulate fluoride, and hydrogen fluoride in the work environment were collected on a filter cassette containing an MCE filter paper (0.8 micron 37-mm) and Na2CO3 impregnated backup pad, respectively, using a personal sampler. The fluoride samples were analyzed using Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) and expressed as milligrams per meter cube (mg.m-3). The respirable dust, particulate, and gaseous fluoride content were found to have statistically significant differences (p<0.001) between the divisions (SSP, GSSP, and administration) in the static monitoring, whereas, in the case of personal monitoring, no significant differences were observed. Average airborne respirable, particulate, and gaseous fluoride levels in static monitoring were 1.37, 1.03, 0.20 mg.m-3, 0.018, 0.008, 0.001 mg.m-3, and 0.808, 0.403, 0.026 ppm in SSP, GSSP and administration respectively, whereas in personal monitoring the average respirable, particulate and gaseous fluoride concentrations were 1.18, 0.85, 0.30 mg.m-3, 0.0013, 0.007, 0.002 mg.m-3 and 0.356, 0.258, 0.011 ppm in SSP, GSSP and administration respectively. The present study observed that the levels of fluoride decreased with an increase in distance from SSP, followed by GSSP and administration. It indicates that the fluoride exposure was inversely proportional to the distance of the source. This study outcome will help to design a policy and intervention to mitigate fluoride exposure among workers.

S. Jawahar, K. Shridhar, V. Dhananjayan, K. Panjakumar, B. Ravichandran, A. Ravinder Nath and Nirmala Babu Rao

Pattern of Lead Accumulation in Two Vegetable Plants Due to EDTA Treatment

Phytoextraction and phytostabilization are the most consistent patterns or mechanisms of action of phytoremediation. One of the elements influencing the mechanism of action of heavy metal absorption by plant species is Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA). Therefore, this study aimed to determine the pattern of phytoremediation in water spinach and spinach due to the addition of EDTA in the soil. The treatments tested by factor 1 were water spinach (T1) and spinach (T2), and factor 2 was the concentration of EDTA consisting of 3 levels, 0, 3, and 6 g/polybag. Each treatment was repeated three times on five sample plants. Furthermore, growth evaluation was carried out in the first six days after planting and conducted every 3 days. It was carried out on variables such as changes in plant height, leaves area, total root length, Pb content in the soil, fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots, shoot, seeds, and Translocation Factor (TF). The results showed that water spinach and spinach had different mechanisms of action due to the application of EDTA in Pb-contaminated media. Furthermore, water spinach and spinach have a mechanism of phytoextraction and phytostabilization, respectively. Therefore, spinach is safer than water spinach when grown in Pb-polluted land.

A. Rosyidah, M.W. Lestari and N. Syam

Effect of Soil and Foliar Application of Humic Acid and Brassinolide on Morpho-physiological and Yield Parameters of Black Gram (Vigna mungo)

During the Kharif season of 2022-2023 at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the “Effect of soil and foliar application of humic acid and brassinolide on morpho-physiological and yield parameters of Black gram (Vigna mungo).” The experiment was designed using a Randomised Block Design (RBD) with three replications and eight treatments. Compared to the other treatments, RDF + humic acid 0.1% + brassinolide 0.1ppm (foliar application) was the optimal treatment for most morphological and yield parameters. Plant height (cm), number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, dry matter accumulation (g), chlorophyll Index (SPAD), and leaf area (cm2) were highest under T7- RDF + humic acid 0.1%+brassinolide 0.1ppm (foliar applied) conditions. Minimum phenological observations were recorded for soil and foliar applications of brassinolide, including days to first flowering, days to 50 percent flowering, and days to pod initiation. Number of pods /plant, pod length(cm), pod weight (g), no. of seeds /pod, test weight (g), seed yield (q/ha), stover yield (q/ha), and harvest index (%) were significantly influenced by the T7 and recorded higher values. The increased seed yield may be attributable to plants treated with growth regulators remaining physiologically more active to accumulate sufficient food reserves for developing blossoms and seeds.

More Kiran Narayan, Anita Jaswal and Arshdeep Singh

Wastewater Treatment Technologies Selection Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and VIKOR Methods: A Case Study

Due to the ever-increasing water scarcity problem across the globe, the treatment of wastewater is an important public health and socio-economic issue. Treating wastewater through proper technology is vital to protect the ecosystem from unsafe and contaminated matter available in wastewater. Identification of suitable wastewater treatment technologies is a complex Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem since it includes many conflicting assessment criteria. The objective of the paper is to construct an integrated model using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) for evaluating wastewater treatment technologies (WWTTs). AHP is applied to calculate criteria weights, and the VIKOR method is applied to prioritize and select the best WWTTs. The proposed model is applied to selecting the best WWTT among four alternatives and seven criteria. It is found that the proposed model yields better results when compared with other MCDM solutions.

Gnanasekaran Sasikumar, A. Sivasangari and S. Ravibabu

Fuzzy Indicators of the Forecast of Environmental Safety Taking into Account the Impact of Natural and Technosphere Factors

The emergence and uncontrolled development of environmental hazards in the processes of life in the absence of appropriate response measures in many cases leads to the emergence of man-made emergencies with dangerous consequences for public health and the environment. It is proposed to evaluate the results of complex monitoring and forecasting of these dangerous processes in a new format of creating a fuzzy scale of indicators of the level of environmental safety of life support of territories based on the theory of fuzzy sets. The study aims to develop a fuzzy scale of indicators for predicting the state of environmental protection. Protection of the population and territories from environmental threats and possible man-made emergencies. Within the framework of the purpose of the study, a fuzzy scale of threshold levels of environmental safety of territories and economic objects has been developed based on the theory of fuzzy sets and the mathematical apparatus of soft computing. The practical significance of the developments is confirmed by the successful application of the proposed scale of indicators and indicators in assessing the environmental hazard of life support systems of settlements and industrial enterprises affecting the environment.

Alexey Gordienko, Eduard Tshovrebov, Boris Boravskiy and Filyuz Niyazgulov

The Impact of Climate Change on the City of Padang, Indonesia

The impact of global warming is climate change which affects elements of society. This condition causes a decrease in the level of community welfare and increases the level of community vulnerability. Some climate change impacts are floods, droughts, landslides, and shoreline changes. In this study, we will focus on landslides. Landslides are among the most dangerous natural disasters that often occur in mountainous areas, especially during the rainy season. Various factors influence events involving landslides. This study aims to utilize GIS to identify landslide-prone areas in Padang. The method used in this study is the Zuidam and Concelado criteria overlay method for the level of landslide hazard and the broken method (jenks). The natural break (jenks) classification method reduces within-class variation and maximizes between-class variation. This study shows that the level of landslide vulnerability in Padang City is low, with a total area of 288854.38173 ha with a percentage of 42.21%. We need to consider more factors and experiment with training and validating data in more detail to gain insight into the physical contributions of the factors to landslide occurrences.

Widya Prarikeslan, Nofi Yendri Sudiar, Gema Anugrah, Deski Beri, Dezi Handayani, Irma Leilani Eka Putri and Mohammad Isa Gautama

Evaluation of Organic Pollution Using Algal Diversity in Rivers of Cotabato City, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), Mindanao Island, Philippines

This study investigated the water quality and the organic pollution level of rivers in Cotabato City, specifically the Rio Grande de Mindanao, Matampay, Esteros, and Tamontaka rivers. The physicochemical characteristics of water in these rivers were determined in the laboratory, and the level of organic pollution was determined using Palmer’s algal pollution index. Water quality assessment showed that the dissolved oxygen (DO) in Matampay River and the biological oxygen demand (BOD) in Esteros River exceed the minimum standard set by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for water quality in class C rivers. Results also showed that there were thirty (30) algal genera belonging to twelve (12) classes were observed in Cotabato City rivers. Algal genera belonging to Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae were found to be the most abundant in these rivers. Using Palmer’s algal pollution index, the Rio Grande de Mindanao showed a probability of high organic pollution, while the rest of the rivers indicated a lack of organic pollution. For a more thorough assessment of the Cotabato City rivers, it is advisable to consider more comprehensive measures, such as extending the sampling duration and expanding the number of sampling stations.

Nancy C. Alombro, Raisah C. Guiamadil, Warda U. Datumama, John Paul A. Catipay

Leachate Characterization and Assessment of Soil Pollution Near Some Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Stations in Baghdad City

This study is conducted to determine the extent to which transfer stations in the Karkh neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, contribute to physicochemical and heavy-metal contamination of the soils in the immediate area. The concentrations of physicochemical primary indicators (pH, OC, OM, Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+1, NO3-1, Cl-1, SO4-2) and heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Cu) were measured during July 2022 at four investigation sites that were located at distances of 5 m (Site 1), 10 m (Site 2), 15 m (Site 3), and 20 m (Site 4) from the edges of the mentioned transfer stations (Al-Rasheed, Al-Mansour, Al-Shula, and Al-Dora). The concentrations of the physico-chemicals and heavy metals were compared to the standards of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Consensus-Based Sediment Quality Guidelines (CBSQG). Based on the data collected, it was determined that Site 1 had the greatest physico-chemical and heavy metal concentrations, whereas Site 4 had the lowest. The metals tested were found to accumulate in the following order: Cu > Pb > Cd. Additionally, it was noticed that all the measured concentrations of metals were higher than the limitations of the CBSQG. The presence of Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+1, Pb, Cd, and Cu in soil suggests that leachate percolation is having a major impact on the soil.

Nabaa S. Hadi

Carbon Emission and Industrial Structure Adjustment in the Yellow River Basin of China: Based on the LMDI Decomposition Model

In the context of promoting high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) of China, urgent action is needed to achieve the “Dual Carbon” goal through energy savings, emission reductions, and industrial upgrading. This study measures carbon emissions from eight types of energy consumption across 43 industries from 2000 to 2019. Using the Kaya-LMDI model, factors affecting carbon emissions are analyzed, and the relationship between industrial structure and carbon emissions is explored through the coefficient of variation (CV). The findings reveal that coal consumption remains significantly higher than other energy sources, and the effect of energy structure adjustment on carbon emission reduction is limited compared to the impact of energy consumption increase on carbon emission growth. Moreover, the economic output effect is identified as the primary driving factor of carbon emissions, while energy utilization rate is crucial in achieving energy savings and emission reductions. Finally, the CV of carbon emissions across 43 industries is increasing. Based on these results, we suggest several policy recommendations, including prioritizing ecological concerns, developing comprehensive and scientifically sound plans, optimizing energy consumption structure, improving energy utilization efficiency, and adjusting industrial structure to promote sustainable development in the YRB.

J. Song , W. J. Du and F. Wang

A Comprehensive Study of Variation in Water Quality Parameters to Design a Sustainable Treatment Plant

In this paper, greywater samples are collected from the kitchens of different types of buildings (residential and commercial) located in different districts within the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The collected samples are analyzed and compared with the potable water from the same region. The parameters investigated are pH, conductivity, total solids (TS), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), total hardness, temporary hardness, permanent hardness, alkalinity, chloride, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). It was found that the amount of total suspended solids is very high in the greywater samples. It shows the presence of both temporary and permanent hardness. Their alkalinity values are greater than hardness. It may be due to the number, lifestyle, age of the occupants, presence of children, and social and cultural behavior of residents. The concentration of BOD level is very low, which shows that the greywater samples have lower concentrations of organic compounds. Design details of the greywater treatment plant are suggested based on the results of the analysis. This includes a screening chamber, grit chamber, settling tank, and filtration unit. The treated greywater is recommended for reuse for gardening, landscaping, and toilet flushing purposes.

Shifana Fatima Kaafil and Shamim Shaukat Khan

Risk Perception of Healthcare Workers Regarding Polymer Medical Waste Management

Despite the relatively small amounts produced, medical waste is a significant issue for the government and the healthcare industry primarily because it poses threats to persons and the environment. Healthcare wastes pose threats to the environment and public health, but knowledge of these concerns and how they relate to management techniques is still lacking. Evaluating waste management practices and healthcare staff expertise is critical to identify shortcomings and lower risk levels. The study was conducted at three selected private hospitals. These three hospitals contain 462 beds, all together with 184 healthcare workers. The study was designed as a descriptive cross-sectional study, and three private healthcare institutions in the study region were evaluated. These 100 healthcare workers were chosen by purposive sampling. The hospitals under consideration include general surgical, Gynecological, pediatric, and various specialty treatments. Data was gathered for the study utilizing a quantitative questionnaire, which includes closed-ended structured questionnaires. The results showed that most healthcare workers practice waste segregation at source. Chemical cross-linking was very poor. However, waste shredding technology is being used substantially. Risk perception among Healthcare workers regarding polymer help waste management showed more of average to high risk. The study concluded that despite the existence of policies and plans, execution is still subpar at private healthcare institutions. The creation of guidelines for hospital waste management, their distribution to other institutions, and their encouragement to do a critical self-evaluation should all be required by the government.

Jasneet Kaur, Sheela Upendra and Shital Barde

Microbiological Quality of Drinking Water and Food in a Rural Community

Safe water and food are essential for good human health. The contamination of water with infected fecal bacteria is common in areas with poor standards of hygiene and sanitation. This study investigated total coliform bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria, and E.coli in drinking water and food stalls using water from a rural community, where the rural living conditions increase the risk of water-related diseases. In total, 40 samples of bottled drinking water, 50 water samples from vending machines, 30 samples of household drinking water, 30 food samples were collected from household food, and 60 food samples were collected from food stalls, and coliform bacteria contamination was determined using the most probable number (MPN) technique. The results revealed that all the water and food samples contained coliform bacteria contamination, while all the water samples and 50% of the food samples contained fecal coliform bacteria. The numbers of household food samples contaminated with coliform bacteria and E.coli were 29 (97%) and 12 (40%), respectively. Entrepreneurs should be regularly maintaining clean drinking water vending machines. The government sector should be urgently solving the problem of drinking water standards to ensure suitable consumer safety.

Y. Rapeepan, P. Piyabhorn, P. Phatcharaporn and S. Theethawat

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