Archives Issues
Volume 15, Issue No 3, Sep 2016
Contents and other pages
Concentration and Chemical Speciation of Metals in Sediments from Upstream of the Pearl River, China
The concentration and chemical speciation of typical metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, As, Mn, Fe) in water and sediment were investigated from the upstream of the Pearl River. The investigated eight metals showed the total As, Cu and Pb concentrations of most sample sites in the sediment exceeded the threshold effect concentration of sediment quality guidelines, but their potential ecological risk index values were low, which posed a low risk to the local ecosystem. The speciation of Pb and Zn showed that they predominate in the reducible fractions; Cu and As were mainly held in residual fraction and reducible fraction. The order of bioavailability for the metals was Mn > Zn > Pb > As > Cu > Fe > Cr.
Silin Yang, Ning Zhao, Dawei Wang, Liqiong Tang, Rong Wei and Bin Yang
Evaluation of Heavy Metals Content of Water Bodies at Two Industrial Communities of Eleme and Ewekoro, Southern Nigeria
This study determined the concentration (ppm) of heavy metals, arsenic, zinc, chromium, nickel, iron, cadmium, lead, manganese, calcium and potassium in underground and surface water obtained from petrochemical refinery and cement producing site in some parts of southern Nigeria in order to assess the impact of petroleum processing and cement production on water quality. Water obtained from non-industrialized area (Umuariaga) served as control, alongside rain water and bottle water produced by Coca-Cola. Heavy metal concentration was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results obtained for arsenic (0.01667±0.0086), lead (0.01778±0.0097) and cadmium (0.00300±0.0007) for surface water in petrochemical refinery site (Eleme) surpassed the WHO (0.01) guideline for arsenic and lead, and (0.003) for cadmium concentration in water. For cadmium in surface water (0.00367±0.0007) and underground water (0.00400±0.0007) found around cement producing region (Ewekoro), concentration obtained surpassed the WHO guideline for cadmium in water.
Ejiofor U. Emmanuel, Omeh Y. Ndukaku and Ebhohon S. Onagbonfeoana
A Conceptual Review of Green Buildings in India: Importance and Need
Buildings are built to fulfil a purpose. It must be safe, healthy, comfortable, enable productivity and well-being of the employees, making it a green building. In today’s world energy crisis, it is important for architects and builders to focus on efficient buildings. Technologies applied in green buildings will enhance the building environment and functionality for occupants, while reducing operational costs. This paper seeks to provide an overview of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) in India, which is associated with the Indian Green Business Council. The review of the most relevant green building systems demonstrates that there is a significant growth in this field. The objective of the paper is to raise awareness of the importance of a green building for a better future. And further to see the negative impacts of conventional buildings while creating healthy and beneficial places for human beings to live, work and play.
Ruchi Gautam and Sachita Passi Sabharwal
Distributions of Water Droplet Penetration time and Soil Properties Under Point Source Trickle Irrigation Using Treated Wastewater
Treated wastewater irrigation (TWWI) is necessary under the background of a worldwide water crisis. To investigate wetting patterns and distributions of water droplet penetration time (WDPT), soil water content (q), soil organic matter (SOM) and salt content (S) after tap water irrigation (TWI) and TWWI, single-point-source trickle irrigation experiments were conducted on sandy and loam soils at three flow rates of 0.6, 1.0 and 2.7 mL·min-1. For sand, infiltration was generally regular, WDPT increased small with maximal value of 1.4 s, and the ratio of wetting fronts (Rw) decreased to 1.1 with time. For loam soil, infiltration was not as regular as sand, Rw decreased with time, but larger than 1.5, WDPT increased significantly after TWWI, with maximal increment of 34.2 s at 1.0 mL·min-1, and the distributions of SOM and S were irregular especially at flow rates of 2.7 mL·min-1. SOM was not the main cause of the increment of WDPT for both soil types. Values of q and S were considered to have contributed to the increment of WDPT for saline-alkali loam soil after TWI and TWWI. Particle content, especially sand content also affected WDPT. WDPT interacted with soil properties during TWW and TWWI.
Yi Li and Yanling Shang
Phytoextraction and Bioconcentration of Heavy Metals by Spinacia oleracea Grown in Paper Mill Effluent Irrigated Soil
A comparative pot experiment was conducted in 2014 to study heavy metal contamination in soil and bioaccumulation in leaves and roots of Spinacia oleracea (spinach) on irrigation with paper mill effluent (PME). Study revealed that there was significant increase in the content of copper (Cu, +81.62 %) at (P<1%), iron (Fe, +79.62 %), zinc (Zn, +90.73 %), cadmium (Cd, +98.99 %), lead (Pb, +95.91 %), nickel (Ni, +98.40 %), chromium (Cr, +97.54 %) at (P<0.1%) in the soil irrigated with PME as compared to soil irrigated with pond water (PW) (control). Increasing PME doses from 10 % (10 % PME + 90 % PW) up to 80 % (80 % PME + 20 % PW) caused a progressive increase in the accumulation of metals, i.e. Fe, Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Cr in the roots and leaves of S. oleracea. The metals accumulated in the plant parts (root and leaves) of S. oleracea showed significant (p<5%) and a positive correlation with different concentrations of PME. Among various metallic concentrations high values of heavy metals such as Fe (10.97±0.02 mg/kg), Zn (8.45±0.10 mg/kg), Cd (7.63±0.08 mg/kg), Cu (12.12±0.09 mg/kg), Pb (6.47±0.04 mg/kg), Ni (8.48±0.10 mg/kg), and Cr (5.81±0.02 mg/kg) were found in roots compared to Fe (9.58±0.06 mg/kg), Zn (6.68±0.06 mg/kg), Cd (5.67±0.01 mg/kg), Cu (10.30±0.11 mg/kg), Pb (4.83±0.03 mg/kg), Ni (6.84±0.02 mg/kg) and Cr (4.50±0.09 mg/kg) in leaves of S. oleracea irrigated with 80 % (80 % PME + 20 % PW) dose. Thus, the practice of using undiluted PME as agro-based organic fertilizer for irrigation increased the concentration of heavy metals which were accumulated in S. oleracea, posing a potential threat to human health from this practice of irrigation. Therefore, proper dilution of PME appears to be necessary for irrigation purpose for the minimum accumulation of heavy metals in soil and plants.
Rachit Kashyap, K. S. Verma, Meena Thakur, Yashveer Verma and Shreya Handa
Decolorization of Simulated Textile Effluent by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Aspergillus fumigatus A23
Synthetic dyes are released in the effluent from a wide variety of industries such as textile, tannery, packed food, pulp and paper and paint, thus threatening various forms of life. Bioremediation is always considered as cost effective and eco-friendly way for the treatment of recalcitrant dyes and effluents. Non-white rot fungus Aspergillus fumigatus A23 and white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium were used for comparative study of decolorization of individual dyes and simulated textile effluent (STE). Both the fungi could effectively decolorize STE under optimized conditions of medium (potato dextrose agar medium), temperature (40ºC for A. fumigatus A23 and 30ºC P. chrysosporium), pH (4.0 for A. fumigatus A23 and 5.0 for P. chrysosporium) and agitation (100 rpm for A. fumigatus A23 and P. chrysosporium). The decolorization of STE by A. fumigatus A23 and P. chrysosporium was 86% and 62% respectively after 7d incubation. The key mechanisms involved in dye removal by the fungus appeared to be adsorption and absorption and the biotransformation occurred only after absorption of the dye. Analysis of samples before and after treatment with fungus using TLC indicated the biotransformation of dye.
Darshan Dharajiya, Mitali Shah and Bhakti Bajpai
Effect of Construction Dust on Urban PM2.5 Emission Characteristics: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Chongqing, China
This paper attempts to accurately evaluate the contribution of construction dust to China’s PM2.5 emissions in order to increase environmental authorities’ efficiency at managing emissions in urban environments. The study was conducted in the main urban area of Chongqing. Three typical construction sites were designated as the study area, where PM2.5 emission concentration data were collected through field investigation and processed by an AERMOD model. PM2.5 emission intensity and annual average PM2.5 emissions from construction dust in the study area were also ascertained. The results showed that the PM2.5 emission intensity and annual average PM2.5 emissions from construction dust in the study area were 0.0059 kg/m2 month and 6220.5 t, respectively. The PM2.5 emission concentration of construction dust showed a negative correlation with real-time wind speed. This paper’s conclusions can serve as a reference for related departments that make decisions on PM2.5 emission management.
Du Yongjie, Ren Hong, Cai Weiguang, Qin Beibei and Ma XianRui
Removal of Cd(II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions onto Modified Sesame Husk
One of the important sources of environmental pollution is heavy metals of industrial wastewater which are harmful for human health and environment. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the removal of Cd from aquatic solution by tartaric acid modified sesame husk. This research was an applied and experimental type. The effects of pH, initial adsorbent concentration, initial metal ion concentration and contact time were studied in batch experiments. The result showed that the Cd removal efficiency increased by increase in adsorbent dosage, pH (up to 5) and contact time and decrease in Cd concentration. In optimum condition, modified sesame husk removed 99% of Cd from aqueous solutions. The equilibrium data were best fitted on Freundlich isotherm and the adsorption kinetic model followed a pseudo-second model. ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference between variables and Cd removal. According to the results obtained, modified sesame husk appears to be suitable, low cost and efficient adsorbent for removing Cd from aqueous solutions.
Seyed Mehdi Ghasemi, Hamidreza Ghaffari, Kiomars Sharafi, Abdoliman Amoei and Kamaleddin Karimyan
Modelling Canopy Stomatal Conductance of Hedysarum scoparium and Long-term Prediction in Semiarid Region in China
Hedysarum scoparium (H. scoparium) is a fast-growing and drought-resistant shrub species that has been extensively used for grassland restoration and agricultural landscapes protection such as farmland protection and wind shelterbelts in semiarid regions of Northwestern China. To date knowledge about the water consumption characteristics and physiological response to environmental factors of H. scoparium is quite limited. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to create a Jarvis-type model of canopy stomatal conductance (gs) in H. scoparium shrubs and use the model to predict long-term trend variations. During the research, the sap flow rate (JS) of four shrubs with diameters of 29, 21, 15, and 11 mm was monitored under natural conditions. Meteorological factors were obtained at a flux tower on site. Results indicate that the meteorological variables are significantly correlated with gs, which increases exponentially with the increase in vapour pressure deficit (VPD) after controlling for the additional effects of air temperature (Ta) and solar radiation (Rn). The Jarvis model was set up to express the variation observed in gs, and the sequence affecting the accuracy of the model is Rn > VPD > Ta. This study attempts to probe gs of H. scoparium by using JS and applying Jarvis-type model, the proposed Jarvis-type model offers a solution to the above-specified problems, which also solves the time lag issue in gs prediction. The conclusions obtained in the study can provide the intentionality reference and conservation management guidance for environment protection and desertification combating.
Jinghao Li, Jifeng Deng, Yongbin Zhou, Guodong Ding, Ruohan Zhang
Biological Properties of Selected Overburdens of Singrauli Coalfields
Coalfield mine overburden or abandoned mine sites is a major environmental concern. Overburden materials are nutrient-poor, loosely adhered particles of shale, stones, boulders and cobbles and are devoid of true soil character. Eco-restoration or natural transformation of overburden materials to soil for cultivation is a time taking process. In the present study, we focused on how the OB materials are different from nearby natural soil and explored the characterization of physical, chemical and biological properties of different aged overburden undergoing the process of eco-restoration. Further, we have analysed various microbial population, enzymatic activities and microbial respiration process in different aged overburdens vis-a-vis nearby soil. Microbial population was more in 16 year old overburden among different aged OB but less than nearby soil. Dehydrogenase, Urease activity showed an increasing trend with maturity age of overburden representing higher microbial population, while alkaline phosphatase activity is not following any trend. Soil microbial respiration was found to be increased with age of overburden. Carbon mineralization rate constant in all overburden lied in a narrow range (0.020- 0.011) day-1 and it did not show any significant variation as compared to native forest soil (0.03 day-1). Mineralizable carbon was found more in native soil (7.95 mg C/kg of overburden) and 16 year old overburden (5.56 mg C/kg of overburden). Cumulative CO2 evolved was more in native forest soil (8.67 mg C/kg), and was comparable with 16 year old overburden (5.4 mg C/ kg). Microbial population, enzymatic activity and carbon mineralization can act as an indicator for analysing changes in overburden spoil properties due to ecorestoration.
Priyal Pandey, Mahendra Kumar Verma, Raj Mukhopadhyay, Nirmal De, Resham Dwivedi, N. C. Karmakar, Sumit Pandey and Rakesh Kumar Singh
Agricultural Economy Loss in Yangtze River Basin in China Caused by Water-Environment Pollution
This study aimed to analyse the current status of water-environment pollution in Yangtze River basin in China and to determine the size of agricultural economy loss caused by water-environment pollution based on statistical data of water-environment pollution in Yangtze River basin from 2007-2013. We initially analysed the influences of water-environment quality and agricultural nonpoint source pollution in Yangtze River basin on water environment. Then, we used the shadow price method to calculate the agricultural economy loss caused by water pollution in Yangtze River basin in 2007-2013. Finally, we proposed pertinent policies and suggestions for water-pollution governance. Results indicated the three major problems related to the study: prominent water pollution in the local area, serious pollution of agricultural nonpoint source and insufficient protective measures, and shortage of capacity for the governance of water-environment pollution in Yangtze River basin. In 2007-2013, the shadow price values of agricultural water in Yangtze River basin fluctuated within 1.46 to 1.58 (RMB/t). As a middle-level basin in China, from the aspect of time tendency, inferior V water in Yangtze River basin basically maintained a steadily decreasing tendency in recent years with little change in total water consumption. As a result, the overall degree of loss of water pollution in Yangtze River basin also presented a steadily decreasing tendency, and the annual average agricultural economy loss caused by water pollution was 17,941,000,000 (RMB). Our findings have significant realistic value in the monitoring of water-environment quality, environmental governance, and agricultural development in Yangtze River basin in China.
Bo Wang
Research on the Application of a Wet Electrostatic Precipitator in Coal-Fired Power Plant for “Gypsum Rain” Prevention and Treatment
Haze pollution involving PM2.5 is currently a serious problem in China, and the implementation of tougher measures to further reduce emissions from key air pollution sources such as coal-fired power plants has become an inevitable trend. Wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) technology is being adopted by an increasing number of power plants because of its ability to remove PM2.5 and other fine particulate matter. In this study, key indicators such as filterable particulate matter (FPM), condensable particulate matter (CPM), SO3, and droplets in the flue gas of Shanghai Changxing Island No.2 Power Plant were measured and analysed. The results indicate that the emission concentrations of total particulate matter (TPM) were 30.31 mg/m3 and 15.74 mg/m3, FPM were 20.31 mg/m3 and 6.09 mg/m3, PM2.5 were 4.06 mg/m3 and 2.50 mg/m3, SO3 were 4.51 mg/m3 and 3.06 mg/m3, and droplets were 114 mg/m3 and 102 mg/m3 at the stack when the WESP was off and on, respectively. Similarly, CPM accounted for 33% and 61% of TPM, respectively. This study demonstrates that the use of WESP technology has a significant effect on the removal of particulate matter and droplets.
Qizhen Liu, Zhigang Shen and Leixing Tao
Countermeasure Study on Sustainable Utilization of Tourism Resources and Tourism Environmental Pollution in Coastal Areas of the Pearl River Delta, China
The coastal area of Pearl River Delta in China is the most active core zone with great potential in the development pattern of China’s tourism economy. However, the development of tourism in this area has caused serious pollution to the ecological environment. As a consequence, several problems, such as sea-land pollution and ecosystem imbalance, occur and affect the sustainable development of tourism. In this paper, the land, water body, biotic environment, and air pollution in the area were analysed to understand the pollution in this region and to analyse the sustainable development of tourism resources. The mechanism of the interaction between external environments (nature, economy, society) and internal environments (subjects and objects of tourism) was also investigated on the basis of the environmental carrying capacity. Results showed that tourism caused pollution at different levels. With economic growth and increased awareness on environmental protection, the amount of pollution has been reduced. The natural subsystem in external environments is more likely to be polluted, but the subsystems of economy and society can help alleviate environmental pollution. The subject of tourism in internal environments is the major cause of pollution, but the incompetence of tourism objects can affect pollution control. This study focuses on the control over environmental pollution caused by tourism in the coastal area of the Pearl River Delta. This work is of great significance for the coordinated and sustainable development of tourism and the environment.
Danying Song
Decomposition of Ammonia Nitrogen from Biologically Pretreated Coking Wastewater with Electrochemical Three-dimensional Ti/RuO2/IrO2 Electrodes
In this research, the electrochemical oxidation with a three-dimensional electrode system, with coke serving as packed bed particle electrodes, was applied for the removal of ammonia nitrogen in biologically pretreated coking wastewater. Surface characteristics of the anode plate and the coke were analysed. The results showed that there had been few cracks on the coating surface of anode and the coating layer had been compact before electrolysis, while the coating surface became relatively rough after electrolysis and small cracks appeared on anode surface. Meanwhile, the surface of prepared coke was porous at the beginning, which enabled it to have adsorption effect, while after electrolysis, the surface of the used coke became dense, which made it function better as packed bed electrodes. In addition, operating variables of retention time, plate spacing, area/volume, current density, pH and chloride concentration were investigated respectively to check their influence on ammonia nitrogen removal. Meanwhile, the results showed that the electrochemical three-dimensional Ti/RuO2/IrO2 electrodes could remove ammonia nitrogen efficiently, and when plate distance was 1.0cm, retention time was 40min and current density was 4.5mA/cm2, the highest ammonia nitrogen removal rate of about 95% was achieved, which was much higher than the removal rate of the system when Ti/RuO2/IrO2 electrodes were used in single under the same condition.
Hao Wang, Yang Yang, Xiao Liu, Huiyuan Zhong, Guozhu Bo and Yaozong Zhang
Haze Pollution Control Strategies in China from the Perspective of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction
Haze pollution has been effectively controlled through the vigorous implementation of China’s measures for energy conservation and emission reduction in recent years. However, China’s industrial development level and energy utilization rate remain low, and this condition seriously affects the efficiency of energy conservation and emission reduction. As a consequence, the desired effect of haze pollution control is not achieved. This study aims to analyse the current situation of China’s haze pollution, explore the internal function mechanism of energy conservation, emission reduction, and haze pollution control, effectively identify the key links of energy conservation and emission reduction work, and effectively control haze pollution. Statistical data on China’s haze pollution from 2000 to 2013 are collected to analyse the current situation and regional distribution of haze pollution. The current problems of energy conservation and emission reduction are identified, the intrinsic functional relationship among energy conservation, emission reduction, and haze pollution is clarified, and policy measures to control China’s haze pollution are proposed from the perspective of energy conservation and emission reduction. Results indicate that China suffers from serious haze pollution, and the overall presentation area is imbalanced. Haze governance is mainly affected by five factors, namely, the government’s lack of incentives to promote the development of energy technologies, the energy resource structure that is mainly based on high coal consumption, heavy industries that account for an excessively large portion of the industrial structure, the traffic transport structure characterized by high motor ownership, and the large amount of dust in construction sites during the urbanization process. Implementing energy conservation and emission reduction can effectively alleviate haze pollution. The findings of this research are highly significant because they provide full understanding of China’s haze pollution level, promote the effectiveness of controlling haze pollution through energy conservation and emission reduction, and help achieve coordination between economic and environmental development.
Mingdang Li
Farmers’ Response and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in Low-Hills of Himachal Pradesh in India
The study examined the farmers’ perceptions regarding climate change, types of adaptation strategies, factors influencing adaptation choices and barriers to adaptation, in the low-hill zone of Himachal Pradesh in India. In low-hill zone, 202 farm households were randomly considered for the study. In the region, 62.4 % of the farm households were of the opinion that temperature has increased during the last 10 years, whereas, 57.9% of the respondents have perceived that there is a decrease in rainfall in low-hills of the state. In this part of the state, people have switched over to off farm jobs to meet their livelihood as perceived by 89.1 percent of the respondents. At farm level, farmers have adopted irrigation, crop diversification, change of sowing/planting dates and crop variety as the strategies to cope up with the changing situation. About 50% of the people have perceived that high cost of adaptation, limited knowledge of adaptation measures, lack of access to technology, labour availability and early weather warnings were the main barriers to climate change adaptation. In the region, adaptation to climate change was influenced by education level, household and farm size, access to irrigation and credit, and number of salaried persons in the household.
Nancy Loria and S. K. Bhardwaj
Response of Radial Growth of Pinus armandii to Climate Change in the Qinling Mountains
At present, there is limited research on the effect of climate change on the growth of trees in the Qinling Mountains, and the effect of altitude has rarely been considered. In order to accurately grasp the impact of climatic factors on the natural forest in this region, the effect of water and temperature conditions on the radial growth of Pinus armandii was studied according to dendroclimatology principles. Response function and multivariate regression methods were applied to study the response of the tree-rings, including earlywood width and latewood width, of P. armandii at three elevations (1600-1800, 1800-2000, 2000-2200 m) to climate change in this region. The results showed that the radial growth of P. armandii at the three elevations contained rich climatic information. The tree-ring widths at the three elevations were significantly negatively correlated with September temperature of the previous year and May temperature of the current year (P < 0.05) and were also negatively correlated with August precipitation of the previous year and May precipitation of the current year. The late-wood width of P. armandii at 1600-1800 m and 1800-2000 m was less sensitive to temperature and precipitation than that of the earlywood. The latewood width of P. armandii at 2000-2200 m was significantly negatively correlated with December temperature of the previous year and May temperature of the current year (P < 0.01), and was significantly and positively correlated with August precipitation of the previous year (P < 0.05). Characteristic analysis of the special years showed that large quantities of precipitation in September and October of the previous year were more likely to result in the formation of a very wide tree-ring. High spring and summer temperatures and less precipitation from April to June more likely resulted in the formation of extremely narrow tree-rings. Therefore, high precipitation in autumn of the previous year was conducive to the growth of P. armandii, whereas high temperature and drought in spring and summer inhibited the growth of P. armandii.
Huimin Wang, Jiabao Wu , Bingyin Sun, Dingling Zhang and Shuming Liu
Biosorption of Chromium from Fortified Solution Using Biodross
Biodross obtained from canteens, restaurants, public places and college messes, was used as a biosorbent for the toxic heavy metal chromium (VI) from the fortified solutions. At different physical conditions and parameters biosorption of chromium was studied. The sugarcane waste, carrot peels and banana peels show highest amount of adsorption at different pH, biomass and concentrations respectively.
Sumit Pal, Sipra Bahuk, Vimala Y.
Spatial Distribution and Economic Loss Estimation of Heavy Metals in the Soil of Northern Areas of Shanxi Province, China
This study analyses the spatial autocorrelation of heavy metals in the soil of northern areas of Shanxi Province, China, and quantitatively calculates the economic losses caused by heavy metal pollution in soil. This study is based on 96 sample data obtained from 32 districts and counties in the northern areas of Shanxi Province, China. This study first adopts three kinds of spatial weight matrixes (i.e., rook, queen, and k-nearest) to estimate Moran’s I index, which is an indicator of the content of heavy metals in soil. Moreover, this study assesses the distribution and spatial autocorrelation of heavy metals in the soil of northern areas of Shanxi Province, China. Then, economic loss model of heavy metal pollution in soil is determined based on the pollution loss rate method. The pollution loss rate of four common heavy metals in soil (Cd, As, Cu, Cr) and the total economic losses caused by pollution are quantitatively calculated. Results indicate that content indicators of Cd, As and Cu in the northern areas of Shanxi Province are positive. The three heavy metals in soil generally have positive spatial correlation, and Moran’s I index of Cr has negative value under the effect of the three weight matrixes. Hence, negative spatial correlation is determined in terms of spatial distribution. The single heavy metal pollution loss rate is between 1.11% and 1.39%, and the overall difference is small. The comprehensive heavy metal pollution loss rate is 5.24%, which fall undergrade in terms of contamination grade division. Although this result still belongs to clean level, the economic loss of heavy metal pollution in soil is large, which is around 63.765 million yuan (RMB). The conclusions of this study can provide theoretical basis and decision-making references to relevant government departments and industrial enterprises on the prevention of heavy metal pollution and environmental governance.
Wei Yu
Soil Respiration and its Relationship to Environmental Factors in Three Land Uses on the Loess Tableland
Investigating the contribution of different land use types to the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems is of considerable importance in studying global climate change. The objective of this study is to determine the temporal variation of soil respiration rates in different land uses (maize, wheat stubble, and bare land) and their responses to environmental factors for the Loess Tableland, using an improved multi-channel automatic flux chamber system. Results showed that the soil respiration rate indicates a clear diurnal and seasonal variations. The mean soil carbon emission rates were 0.94, 1.94 and 2.38 gC·m-2·d-1 in bare land, wheat stubble field, and maize field, respectively. The determination coefficient of soil surface temperature on the diurnal soil respiration rate was more significant than that of deeper layers. The Q10 value was used to represent the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in three different land uses, soil respiration in the maize field showed the largest temperature sensitivity. The soil respiration was found to increase exponentially with the increase in air temperature, whereas the relationship between soil respiration and soil moisture was quadratic. The trend of rainfall-affected soil respiration after the sudden rain and continuous light rain showed large differences, meanwhile, a clear difference in the sensitivity of soil respiration to rainfall exists for the different land uses.
Xiaoyang Han, Wenzhao Liu, Fengru Fang and Jie Chen
Spatial Distribution of Haze Pollution in China and Eco-compensation Measures
Serious haze pollution is harming public health and life in many provinces in China. The spatial distribution characteristics of haze pollution in 30 provinces, including cities and municipalities, in China were further analysed. The possible existence of spatial club convergence tendency among different provinces was explored, enabling the implementation of customized governance measures according to eco-compensation. First, spatial autocorrelation of the haze was calculated using Moran’s I index based on the annual data of haze pollution over the study area from 2003-2014. Spatial error panel data model was used to analyse the presence of spatial club convergence of haze pollution. Finally, related policy suggestions to manage haze pollution were proposed based on eco-compensation. Results demonstrated that China’s key monitored provincial capitals and municipalities had suffered very serious haze pollution. All 30 provinces could generally be divided into light, middle, relatively high, and high haze regions. The provinces exhibited strong spatial autocorrelation. Spatial concentration presented continuous distribution and increasing spatial dependency. Several regional provinces presented spatial club convergence based on haze pollution. Empirical results provided certain references to further understand the spatial distribution of haze pollution in China, explore eco-compensation measures against haze pollution, and relieve the effect of haze on social and economic development.
Yifeng Sun
Geochemical Exploration of Uranium Mineralization in Rock Formations from Central India: A Review on Earlier Reports
A study of distribution of dissolved radon isotope Rn222 in borewell water revealed clusters of anomalies. Radioactive expressions in water are because of the high solubility of U, Ra and Rn in water, which facilitates to dissolve these from uranium mineralized rock. Geo-electrical and electromagnetic surveys conducted in different geological set up in Central India, brought out effectiveness of these methods in interpreting sub-surface locales of uranium mineralization that are associated with conducting minerals with sulphides, graphites/carbonaceous matter, alteration zones, structural features and shear zones, which have distinct electrical resistivity contrast with respect to the host rocks.
Y. A. Murkute and S. P. Joshi
Effect of Ambient Air Pollution on Photosynthetic Pigments of Litchi chinensis near Muzaffarpur Thermal Power Station, Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Urbanization and increased energy demand has resulted in deterioration of air quality and thermal power plants are the major contributor of air pollution. The plants act as a sink for the pollutants and can absorb particulate and other gaseous pollutants into their system, but they also have some limitation and thus changes in their essential components that tend to induced degradation in photosynthetic pigments after prolonged exposure. Litchi (Litchi chinensis) is the livelihood for millions of people as it provides both on-farm and off-farm employment of the district Muzaffarpur of Bihar and exposed to the Muzaffarpur thermal power station. The present study was carried out to assess the impact of thermal power plants on photosynthetic pigments of litchi plants at the adjoining areas. Sampling was done from five different sites of two to seven kilometre distances from the thermal power plant and measurements were taken for all the plant species spectrophotometrically. All the measured pigments were reduced in an exposed area compared with control site. There was a maximum reduction reported in Birpur village, four kilometres from the Thermal power plant, the chlorophyll content, either in individual or in total decreased by 33% (total) and 25% and 50% in Chl. a and Chl. b respectively.
Rajeev Kumar
Treatment of Synthetic Domestic Wastewater by Integrated Aerobic/Anoxic Bioreactor (IAAB)
An integrated aerobic/anoxic bioreactor with total liquid volume of 180 L was utilized for the treatment of synthetic domestic wastewater. Bioreactor performance was monitored by the removal of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Organic loadings simulating low and medium strength domestic wastewater with a BOD concentration of 110 and 235 mg/L were used to evaluate the bioreactor in stages 1 and 2 respectively. Hydraulic retention time (HRT) was varied between 12 and 7.2 days. Biomass from a sewage treatment plant was used as seed sludge. BOD removal was monitored from the aerobic, anoxic and effluent compartments of the bioreactor every two days. Results at HRT of 12 days show that the bulk of organic matter removal was prominent in the aerobic compartment with an effluent concentration of 28.7 and 30.5 mg/L at the steady states of stages 1 and 2 respectively. The anoxic compartment showed slight BOD removal with effluent concentration of 24.2 and 27.7 mg/L at the steady states of stages 1 and 2 respectively. The BOD concentration in the effluent compartment was 4.5 and 14.5 mg/L at the steady states of stages 1 and 2. BOD removal took a downtrend when HRT was decreased from 12 to 7.2 days in the aerobic and anoxic compartments, but was constant for the effluent compartment at steady state. Ammonia, nitrate, COD and MLVSS were all monitored. Ammonia, nitrate and COD removal were about 93%, 83% and 92% respectively. Growth of biomass (MLVSS) was more prominent in the aerobic compartment. This study demonstrates that an IAAB has the potential to treat wastewater.
E. H. Ezechi, S. R. M. Kutty, M. H. Isa, A. Malakahmad, C.M. Udeh and E. J. Menyechi
Diversity, Identification and Biotyping of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains from Soil Samples in Iran
Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium known for producing insecticidal and cytocidal crystal protein during sporulation. One hundred soil samples were analysed which were introduced by seven methods, out of which sixty B. thuringiensis strains were collected to study the distribution and diversity of crystal proteins. The strains were characterized on the basis of microscopic examination of parasporal crystal morphology, biochemical tests, and analysis of parasporal inclusions protein profiles by SDS-PAGE. Majority of strains had bipyramidal crystals. B. thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis was the most common biochemical type. Overall, according to our finding, it could be concluded that genetic diversity of B. thuringiensis strains is dependant on the geographical areas. It means that the production of crystal protein by different strains of B. thuringiensis probably dependant on the geographical area.
Elham Moazamian, Nima Bahador , Manoochehr Rasouli and Negar Azarpira
Application of UASB Reactor to Reduce the Concentration of BOD, COD and Phosphate in the Domestic Waste
Pilot scale studies were conducted to investigate the contribution of the flow rate and the influence of the concentration on the function of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor in wastewater treatment of domestic greywater. In this study, the flowrates used were 2.5 L/hr, 1.67 L/hr, and 1.25 L/hr. On varying the concentration, the optimum processing conditions were obtained in the reactor with a high concentration for the efficiency reduction of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) as 1440 mg/L for the COD and 667.8 mg/L for the BOD, with an average reduction of 84.15% for BOD and 76.32% for COD. Optimum efficiency of phosphate reduction was obtained in the reactor with the concentration being 0.3843 mg/L with an average value of 72.58%. In general, the optimum conditions were obtained at the lowest flow rate of 1.25 L/hr for all the parameters and the efficiency decreased with the average values of 83.32% for BOD, 73.31% for COD and 71.24% for the phosphate. The optimum values for the organic loading rate (OLR) of greywater was 8.71 kgCOD/ with the optimum condition for the UASB reactor observed at the highest flow rate of 2.5 L/hr, the highest concentration 1440 mg/L COD at the hydraulic retention time of 4 hours, with an upflow velocity of 0.051 m/hour and temperature of 35°C.
Syafrudin, G. Samudra, Nur Syarafina and Mochamad Arief Budihardjo
Environmental Profile of a Rubber Industry
Rubber manufacturing industry is associated with emissions to the environment. The emission of the rubber industry has been linked to various diseases and diverse impacts on human health. Data are available which correlate the adverse health impacts with occupational hazards to the pollutants in the rubber industry. In order to characterize and quantify the pollutants being generated and discharged from various industrial outlets and their impacts on relevant air, water and noise quality, monitoring is required. The study highlights the environmental hazards due to air, wastewater and noise pollution in selected rubber manufacturing industry, located at Wazirabad. Monitoring of selected parameters was carried out for three months. Substantial concentration of volatile organic matter and particulate matter are present in the air in the unit place and the facility which poses a number of health and environmental hazards. Also, different chemicals used during manufacturing processes are discharged in effluent as wastewater. The determination of VOCs and PM in the air was carried out through VOC meter and HAZ-Scanner respectively. Parameters for wastewater analysis included pH, TSS, TDS, COD, cadmium, chlorine and iron. The noise level was also monitored. The results showed that the VOCs and PM concentration in the air were above the standard value limit. The concentration of VOCs ranged from 25.3-28.8 mg/m3 while that for PM varied from 588.5-593.6 ppm respectively. The noise quality from two of the sources exceeded the limit value, while all the wastewater parameters were within the limit.
Almas Hamid, Iqra Saeed, Sana Akhtar and Sajid Rashid Ahmad
Renatosomatic Index of a Freshwater Fish Intoxicated With Pyrethroid Pesticide
This study assessed the effect of fenvalerate pesticide on the kidney condition Renatosomatic Index (RSI) of a freshwater fish Clarias batrachus. Fenvalerate is a pyrethroid pesticide. The RSI showed decreasing trend when the fishes were exposed to different sub lethal concentrations i. e., 0.02 ppm, 0.04 ppm and 0.08 ppm of fenvalerate for 96 hours. This condition of kidney of the fish can result from incomplete elimination of the fenvalerate from the kidney, thereby affecting the normal metabolism of the fish. Thus, the pyrethroid pesticide such as fenvalerate should be used with caution in agriculture field applications, as it is likely to introduce acute levels of the toxicant into the environment.
Sanjay Kumar Jigyasu and D. K. Paul
Effect of Different Doses of Sewage Sludge on Soil Health of Black Gram (Vigna mungo) Field in Allahabad Region of India
A field experiment was conducted on an alluvial soil to determine sewage sludge efficiency on the soil of Black Gram (Vigna mungo) field. Six treatment combinations (3 varieties ´ 2 sewage sludge doses) were applied to conduct this research. After harvesting of crop, soil samples were taken and brought into the laboratory for analysis of different soil parameters. pH of soil varies from 8.1-8.4. This shows the basic nature of sewage sludge. EC of the soil varies from 0.24-0.27 dSm-1. Organic carbon of the soil varies from 0.49-0.53 % due to increasing carbon content in sewage sludge. Due to improving electrical conductivity nitrogen and phosphorus were also increased. The potassium content of the soil varied from 155.39-166.67 kg/ha. Thus, the study reveals that, soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were inclining with increasing doses of sewage sludge.
Ranjit Tiwari, Harsh Bodh Paliwal and A. James
Sources of Arsenic in Groundwater and its Health Significance - A Review
Arsenic is present in earth’s crust and occurs in more than 200 natural minerals. Under favourable environmental conditions, arsenic enters into the groundwater. Groundwater has been the major source of arsenic exposure to human population around the world. The incidence of arsenic in drinking water, above the standard limit (0.05mg/L as per IS: 10500) has emerged as a major public health problem. Water constituting arsenic above 10µg/L is a major concern. Arsenic has reference dose or reference value of 3E-4 as an estimate of a daily exposure to the human population that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. Lesions manifest at exposure levels of about 0.002-0.02 mg As kg-1.d-1. The trivalent form of arsenic is considered to be 60 times more toxic than pentavalent form. This communication contemplates on presenting the sources of arsenic, and the influencing factors that facilitate arsenic to groundwater, health implications and present regulation on drinking water standards. From the review, it is clear that the consumption of arsenic contaminated water can cause a wide range of acute and chronic diseases in humans. The source of arsenic for groundwater is mainly geogenic in nature. Therefore, if the groundwater is selected as the source of water, routine monitoring for arsenic becomes a vital step before it is conveyed to the end users for drinking or irrigation or industrial purposes.
M. Madhukar, B. M. Sadashiva Murthy and T. H. Udayashankara
Adsorption of Bromate in Aqueous Solution by the Modified Activated Carbon
The presence of bromate in drinking water has attracted much attention, because it is a carcinogen and mutagenic to humans. Activated carbon is an effective adsorbent material widely used in water treatment. In order to enhance the adsorption of bromate ion on activated carbon, the modified activated carbon was obtained from granular activated carbon by chemical activation using cationic surfactant as an activator. The adsorption characteristics of bromate ion on the modified activated carbon were investigated through adsorption experiments. The effects of temperature, pH in solution, contact time and initial bromate concentration on bromate adsorption by the modified activated carbon were investigated. The experimental data were analysed by the Langmuir and Freundlich models of adsorption. Kinetic adsorption data were analysed by the pseudo-first-order kinetic model and the pseudo-second-order model respectively. The thermodynamics parameters were also calculated.
Muqing Qiu, Xiaojie Lou, Meng Tang and Jiangping Song
Study of Cole-Cole Complex Resistivity Model for Chrome-Contaminated Soil
Complex resistivity method is used to measure the concentration distribution of chromium salt in the chrome-contaminated sites. Both, the salt concentration and moisture content could affect the measurement results, so a theoretical model is needed to distinguish the salt concentration and moisture content. The results of soil electrical test show that the soil has not only resistance character, but also capacitance character. The Cole-Cole complex resistance model of rock is used as the complex resistance model of soil. Cole-Cole model has four parameters: resistivity, time factor, charge rate and frequency factor. The math relation between soil physical parameter and measured resistivity is based on the solution resistivity. The math relation between soil physical parameter and time factor is derived from the double layer deformation, which includes electromagnetic field theory and the double-gel plate model. Finally, the theoretical derivation is compared with the experimental data to verify its accuracy.
Haorui Liu, Hongxin Ma and Juan Yang
Kinetics Study of Fenton Degradation of Acid Yellow G by Online Spectrometry Technology
The kinetics of Fenton degradation of azo dye Acid Yellow G by online spectrometry technology was studied in this research. The main influential parameters of Fenton process such as FeSO4 dosage, H2O2 dosage, reaction temperature and pH were investigated and the optimum conditions were 20mg/L FeSO4, 50mg/L H2O2, pH=3 and 38°C. Degradation kinetics analyses of acid yellow G were carried out for superior interpretation of Fenton process and the result indicated that the Behnajady-Modirshahla-Ghanbery (B-M-G) model is more applicable than the first or second order kinetics.
Hang Xu, Tianlong Yu, Jianxu Wang, Fengmin Wu and Airong Xu
The Green Historic District Environment Protection and Utilization
The natural ventilation of a residential area has placed increasing emphasis on site planning, in order to find the relationship between natural ventilation and an effective site layout. This can reduce the energy consumption and the adverse effects of outdoor winds, improve the living environment and quality of life, as well as create harmony between humans and nature. In this paper, Air-Pak is used to simulate the wind environment of a residential area. Through analysing and simulating the airfield that forms when the wind blows around the residential buildings with Air-Pak, we explain the advantage of combining computer simulation software and residential area planning. Additionally, some advice is given regarding the layout of site design early in the planning phase using the simulation of buildings in the outdoor environment. An old historic city that needs reform, must aim to keep the history, address low-income resident living environments, and take into account the studio workshops. New buildings attract investment and development.
Yangluxi Li
Removing TCE and PCE of Groundwater with Iron-Carbon Micro-Electrolysis
The iron-carbon (Fe/C) micro-electrolysis method was used to dispose trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlo-roethylene (PCE) of polluted groundwater, and several factors such as the mass ratio of Fe/C, the characteristics of activated carbon, the particle size of iron powder and influent pH were investigated. The optimal conditions were acquired. The mass ratio of Fe/C was 1:1, coconut shell charcoal and 30-mesh iron powder were used, and influent pH was 5. Under the optimal conditions, mixed solution of TCE and PCE was treated by Fe/C micro-electrolysis method and the tests got 82.4% of the TCE removal rate and 59.4% of the PCE removal rate.
Yanjiao Gao, Rui Liu, Xin Zhang and Jing Xiao
The Environmental Pressures and Perspectives of Tourism on Coastal and Insular Zone. The Case of Greece
Tourism is widely known as one of the most enterprising branches of the tertiary sector of economy in many countries. Nevertheless, over the time, touristic activities have resulted in a significant number of environmental implications related directly or indirectly to the coastal and insular area. The paper focuses on the qualitative characteristics of environmental impacts of tourism on the islands, on the grounds that, there are some vital goods which are not amenable to quantification, but concentrate substantial ecological and socioeconomic wealth. The foundation of the methodology is built on the DPSIR assessment framework focusing on the geographic area of Greece. The number of environmental problems caused by the intensive tourist development, such as the depletion of natural resources, the spot and extensive pollution of specific sources and also coastal erosion, lead to a short-term intensive tourism development, which cannot be considered viable in the long run. Finally, it should be highlighted that especially for the tourist sector, environmental asset constitutes the milestone of a healthy socioeconomic development for any country. Therefore, appropriate decision making and measures should take place for the integrated protection of such a precious and vulnerable resource, ensuring its viability both in environmental and economic terms.
Sakellariou Stavros, Samara Fani, Tampekis Stergios, Sfoungaris Ioannis and Christopoulou Olga
Performance of Electrochemical Oxidation in Treating Textile Industry Wastewater by Graphite Electrode
This study was conducted to investigate the optimization and reduction of the toxicity level of the textile industry wastewater using electrochemical oxidation. We assessed the effect of current density and pH and found that the maximum removal of COD and colour was at the current density of 0.28A/cm2 and at a pH of 5. The performance of graphite electrode for COD removal was also reached within 120th minute at 2.5M of NaCl concentration. The biodegradability was improved because ratio of BOD5/COD was increased by 94.46% from 0.015 to 0.271 and the toxicity level was successfully reduced from 1.195% to 0.129%. It was observed that the removal of oil and grease can be up to 82.02%. It can be concluded that the graphite electrode is effective for treating textile wastewater.
Devagi Subramaniam, Azhar A. Halim and Marlia M. Hanafiah
Biomass Allocation in Relation to Stand Age and Density in Natural Larix gmelinii Forests in Cold Temperate China
Knowledge of belowground biomass allocation is largely hampered by the fact that root biomass is difficult to measure. In this study, allometric equations relating the specific components of root and aboveground biomass to diameter at breast height were developed for Larix gmelinii using the nested regression method. Patterns in above and belowground biomass allocation in relation to stand age and density were examined. Both root-shoot ratio and fine root-foliage ratio were smaller in older stands with lower density. Additionally, with increasing stand age and decreasing stand density, the proportion of foraging components (fine root and foliage) to total tree biomass decreased, whereas, that of the structural components (stem, branch and coarse root) increased. Differences in biomass allocation patterns between foraging and structural components of trees are considered as a driving force behind the variation in a tree structure along gradients in stand age and density. Application of these allometric equations and improved understanding of biomass partitioning patterns are expected to improve the accuracy of ecosystem carbon accounting as well as the reliability of modelling approaches.
Quanquan Jia, Chunwang Luo, Qijing Liu, Shengwang Meng, Guang Zhou and Huixia Zhuang
Quality Evaluation of Water from Subsidence Area and Controlling Factor Analysis: Zhuxianzhuang Case Study
Water in the subsidence area is considered to be a potential source for solving the shortage of water in the coal mining areas. In this study, forty-eight samples from four subsidence pools in the Zhuxianzhuang coal mine, Northern Anhui Province, China, were collected for analysing the quality for drinking and irrigation. The results suggest that the major ion concentrations in the water samples from different pools vary significantly and the samples can be classified to be Na-Mg-HCO3, Na-HCO3, Na-HCO3 and Na-SO4 types. Quality evaluation for drinking based on water quality index suggests that all of the samples are suitable for drinking (considering only the major ion concentrations). However, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and residual sodium carbonate (RSC) suggest that only the water from one pool can be used for irrigation directly, but others should be treated before irrigation. Relationships between major ions and statistical analysis suggest that different kinds and extents of water rock interactions are the main mechanisms controlling the chemical variations of water from different pools.
Linhua Sun, Xianghong Liu and Chen Cheng
The Evaluation and Spatial Correlation Analysis of Chinese Industrial Environmental Efficiency
Since the reform and opening up, with the progress of science and technology, China’s economy developed rapidly, but the attendant environmental problems are becoming increasingly serious, environmental efficiency evaluation has been paid more and more attention in China. This paper used the SBM model to measure the environmental efficiency of the mainland of China’s 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities from 2000 to 2010 and analysed the overall situation of the industrial environment efficiency during the 10th and the 11th five-year plan in China. The results show that the overall industrial environmental efficiency of China is low, but it shows a rising trend, and there is a big gap between provinces and regions. At the same time, this paper used the Moran’s I index to analyse the spatial correlation of the environmental efficiency. The results show that the industrial environmental efficiency agglomerate in the whole country and it has an obvious spatial autocorrelation. High-high environmental efficiency agglomeration area most distribute in the eastern zone, and low-low environmental efficiency agglomeration area is mainly distributed in the western zone, the location distribution showed significant differences.
Jiashuai Wen, Haiyan Wang and Dongli Zhao
Impact of Control Section and Pollution Source Generalization on Calculation of Water Environment Capacity
Based on the one-dimensional water quality modelling theory, this paper discusses the impact of different calculation methods on water environment capacity in different water functional areas. Through a case study of the Yinma River in Jilin province, in the same condition, the influence of four calculation methods (1. section-beginning control and no pollution sources generalization; 2. section-beginning control and uniform pollution sources generalization; 3. section-end control and no pollution sources generalization; 4. section-end control and uniform pollution sources generalization) on the calculated results of water environment capacity were analysed. The calculation results of four calculation methods from big to small are: 4,3,2,1. In the case of considering only one of the model parameters, control section or pollution source generalization, the percentage improvements of water environment capacity are the same.
Hui Ji and Men Baohui
Simulation of Carbon Emission Scenario for New Town Based on Spatial Quantitative Analysis: A Case Study of Xishan Low Carbon Demonstration Region, China
New towns are the main source of CO2 emissions. Stabilizing emissions of new towns have become an important issue due to rapid urbanization. In view of this, a System Dynamics model called the New Town CO2 Emissions Model was developed to predict and assess the CO2 emissions of spatial planning schemes. Based on the Xishan low carbon demonstration region, we proposed three schemes, which correspond to different land use dynamic variation simulation patterns for the targets of maximum economic benefit, minimum emissions and lower ecological impacts. In addition, we analysed the sensitivity of carbon emissions by changing the parameters of the model. The seven sets of parameters used, represent the seven different planning scenarios. Finally, we simulated the CO2 dynamics data using the above model to compare the three schemes in terms of environmental impact, economic benefits and land use efficiency. The model can be used to predict and assess new town CO2 emissions for all of China and may be applied to other developing countries.
Luyun Liu, Bohong Zheng and Jian Zheng
Allocation of CO2 Emissions with Zero Sum Gains Data Envelopment Analysis Models
Along with China’s increasing share in global total CO2 emissions, there is a necessity for China to shoulder large emission mitigating responsibility. The allocation of carbon dioxide emission allowances has become one of the most important global issues. In view of originality, an improved zero sum gains data envelopment analysis optimization model, which could deal with the constant total amount resources allocation, is proposed in this study. This paper contributes to the existing resource allocation method and allocates China’s provincial CO2 emissions in 2013 from the view of technical efficiency. The allocation results reveal that several energy-abundant provinces such as Shanxi and Inner Mongolia need to take more responsibilities in CO2 emissions reduction. After the ZSG-DEA allocation, all provinces’ CO2 emissions are on ZSG-DEA frontier. The allocation results indicate that different provinces have to shoulder different mitigation burdens in terms of emission intensity reduction.
Lei Wen and Er nv Zhang
Study on the Application of CuO/Al2O3 Cordierite Ceramic Honeycomb Catalyst in Cleaning the Flue Gas for NOX
This paper introduces the current research status of denitration catalysts used in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology, and assess the effects of a composite catalyst on the denitration performance of flue gas. Laboratory experiments were conducted to prepare a new composite catalyst, that is, CuO loaded on a honeycomb cordierite ceramic catalyst carrier with Al2O3 coating by the equivalent volume impregnation method. The orthogonal designed tests were used to study the effects on denitration performance caused by the changes of Al2O3 loading, calcination temperature and calcination time, obtain the optimum condition for the catalyst carrier preparation with the best denitration rate. Then the effects of CuO loading, calcination temperature and calcination time on denitration rate of the new composite catalyst were investigated. Results showed that: (1) As for catalyst carrier, significance of three factors that had effects on the flue gas denitration rate was in a sequence: loading of Al2O3 > calcination temperature > calcination time. (2) Calcined at 600°C for 4 hours with 3% of Al2O3 loading was the condition to prepare the composite carrier with the best denitration rate. (3) For the new composite catalyst, three noticeable increased-then-decreased trends of denitration rate change were presented with the increasing CuO loading, calcination temperature and calcination time. (4) Calcined at 450oC for 4 hours with 8% CuO loading was the condition to prepare the new composite catalyst with the best denitration rate.
Zhang Lei, Sha Xiang-ling, Zhang Lei, Ma Zhen-hua, He Hui-bin and Liu Xi
Predicting Sediment Load and Runoff in Geo WEPP Environment from Langat Sub Basin, Malaysia
This study monitors and predicts the sediment load and runoff at the UKM catchment - the Langat sub basin of Peninsular Malaysia using the WEPP software interfaced in ArcGIS 10.2. Within Geo WEPP and WEPP interfaces, TOPAZ algorithm and climate generator (CLIGEN) were used to parameterize the aspects of land cover, slope, climate, soil and topographic data and estimate stochastic climatic parameters respectively. Range of soil parameters was defined by utilizing soil properties such as frequency of soil particles, CEC and OC. The management factor was generated applying EPIC algorithm for land use types during the simulation period 2000 to 2014. The study shows that variation occurs between sediment prediction by GeoWEPP and the measured value of the same. The findings provide further the useful information about the measuring technique and status of the sediment load and runoff for the soil erosion management. This study suggests the longer span of monitoring as part of the comprehensive management plan is needed for the Langat River Basin.
Mohammad Zahirul Haque, SahibinAbd Rahim, Md. Pauzi Abdullah, Ahmad Fuad Embi, Rahmah Elfithri, Tukimat Lihan and Mazlin Mokhtar
Optimization of Plant Species and Chelating Agents in Phytoextraction of Gold from Small-Scale Gold Mine Tailings
The disposal of small-scale gold mine tailings into agricultural land has caused a decline in crop production in the District of Sekotong, Lombok Regency of Indonesia. One of the technologies that can be developed for remediation of soil contaminated by small-scale gold mine tailings is phytoextraction. This study was conducted in two steps. The first step was aimed to study the effect of various doses of fertilizer and soil amendment on the production of biomass of two plant species studied previously, i.e. Paspalum conjugatum and Cyperus kyllingia. Each seedling of the two plant species was grown for 9 weeks on the tailing disposal dam in a 1 × 1 m plot. Treatments tested were (1) plant species (two species), and (2) dose of NPK fertilizer (50, 100, and 150 kg/ha), and (3) dose of organic matter (5, 10, and 15 t/ha). The second step was to study the effect of the type and dose of chelating agents on the best plant species resulted from the first step of this study. The treatments tested consisted of three types of chelating agent (ammonium thiosulphate, sodium thiosulphate and sodium cyanide) and three doses of each chelating agent (1, 1.5, 2 g/kg). At the time of harvest (9 weeks), shoot and root of each plant were separated for the analysis of Au accumulation. The results showed that type of plant, dose of organic matter, and optimal applied fertilizer that generated the highest growth and biomass production of the accumulator plants was a combination of P. conjugatum, 10 kg NPK fertilizer/ha, and 10 t organic matter/ha. The type and dose of chelating agents applied to the combined treatment affected Au accumulation. The best combination of type and dose of chelating agent was 2 g of ammonium thiosulphate /ha. Overall, the combination of plant species, fertilizer dose, organic matter dose, type of chelating agent, and dose of chelating agent was P. conjugatum with 100 kg NPK fertilizer/ha, 10 t organic matter/ha and 2 g ammonium thiosulphate/kg.
Eko Handayanto, Yulia Nuraini and Nurul Muddarisna
Noise Pollution at Major Schools, Colleges and Hospitals in Small Urban Area: Focusing on Jessore Municipality, Bangladesh
The study reports the level of traffic-induced noise pollution in the major schools, colleges and hospitals of the Jessore city of Bangladesh. The noise levels have been measured at 14 locations of the city from 7am to 7pm in the working days. The findings also indicated that traffic noise levels depend on distance from roadside and diurnal variation. Motorized traffic is the main source of noise pollution in this city. The study found that the most noise-polluted institution in the city was Mentor International School with measured Leq of 80.37 dB and the least noise polluted institution in the city was Ad-din hospital with measured Leq of 64.09 dB. The L10 levels in all the institutions were higher than 75.62 dB and L90 level was higher than 58.51 dB and there is a strong positive correlation between L10 and L90 level. Findings also indicate that in all of the institutions the TNI level was higher than 96.94 dB and the NC level was higher than 22.2 dB and also there is a strong positive relationship between TNI and NC. When the NC level increases then the TNI level also increases. It has been observed that at all the locations, the level of noise remains far above the acceptable limit for all the time.
Sayka Jahan, Shammi Munni and Gopal Chandra Ghosh
Calculation Method and Example Analysis of Landscape Environmental Water Demand for Medium and Small Rivers in the Northern Cities of China
Meeting landscape environmental water demand is one of the necessary conditions for realizing the stability and sustainablity of landscape environment. According to the characteristics of medium and small rivers in the northern cities, based on the river function, the concept of landscape environmental water demand was proposed, also its calculation method is studied in this paper. The landscape environmental water demand for medium and small rivers in the northern area can be divided into two parts according to the river functional types: environmental water demand and landscape water demand. To environmental water demand, according to river function, hydrological characteristics and water resources in different periods, the method to calculate the water demand by stages is put forward in the paper. Then integrating with landscape water demand, the landscape environmental water demand is calculated. Taking Shenyang Pu River ecological corridor as an example, it is divided into 9 sections combined with practical application and the landscape environmental water demand is calculated by the partition and staging. The results show that the landscape environmental water demand of Pu River ecological corridor is 6749.56×104 m³/year.
Kebao Dong, Jing Zhang, Linfei Zhou and Junshi He
The Helminth Fauna Study of European Common Toad in the Volga Basin
In this paper we considered information on the helminth fauna of the European common toad Bufo bufo (Linnaeus 1758) from 5 regions of the Volga basin. This study includes consolidated data of different authors over the last 30 years, supplemented by the results of our own research. There are reliably known finds of 14 species of helminths: Trematoda-8, Nematoda-6. Trematodes Gorgodera asiatica Pigulevsky, 1945 and Astiotrema monticelli, Stossich 1904, mtc, were observed for the first time in a given host on the territory of Russia and the Volga basin. Four species of nematodes make the basis of helminth fauna: Rhabdias bufonis, Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Aplectana acuminata and Neoxysomatium brevicaudatum. For each species of helminths, the following information is included: taxonomic position, localization, area of detection, biology, definitive hosts, geographic distribution, and the degree of host-specificity.
Igor V. Chikhlyaev, Alexander B. Ruchin and Alexandr I. Fayzulin
Aerosols Loading Trends and its Environmental Threats Over Cotonou-Benin
Environmental security is totally relegated in countries of West Africa. The monitoring of the aerosols loading over Cotonou was the aim of this study. The outcome of our finding has salient links to food security, aviation and communication industry, thermal comfort and climate system of Benin. Cotonou is located on longitude 2.43°E and latitude 6.37°N. Fifteen years data were obtained from the multi-angled spectro-reflectometry (MISR). The aerosol loading was monitored using analytical and statistical techniques. The aerosols retention over Cotonou was high in 2000 (69.91%), 2008 (72%) and 2013 (42.45%). This means that there is the possibility of higher rising sea levels and exposure to coastal erosion due to a twisted cloud formation.
Emetere Moses E., Akinyemi M.L. and Akinwumi S.A.
Volumes & Issues
- Vol 24, No 1, Mar 2025
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- Vol 9, No 1, Mar 2010
- Vol 8, No 4, Dec 2009
- Vol 8, No 3, Sep 2009
- Vol 8, No 2, Jun 2009
- Vol 8, No 1, Mar 2009
- Vol 7, No 4, Dec 2008
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- Vol 7, No 1, Mar 2008
- Vol 6, No 4, Dec 2007
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- Vol 6, No 2, Jun 2007
- Vol 6, No 1, Mar 2007
- Vol 1, No 4, Dec 2002
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- Vol 1, No 1, Mar 2002