Archives Issues
Volume 13, Issue No 1, Mar 2014
Content and other pages
A Study to Investigate and Compare Groundwater Quality in Adjacent Areas of Landfill Sites in Lahore City
It is a hard and challenging but very important at the same time to ensure availability of potable quality water to the whole world population. Human activities like agriculture, industrial usage and disposal of harmful waste products is causing contamination of groundwater systems. This is not only deteriorating groundwater but is leading to a number of health problems. Although this is a global issue, however, the situation is more severe and alarming in developing countries, which can be related to poor management and lack of facilities. Current study was conducted to understand the impact of dumping sites on groundwater quality in adjacent areas of selected dumping sites and suggested appropriate measures. Lahore is facing serious environmental and groundwater problems. Mehmood Booti landfill (oldest) and Saggian landfill (biggest) sites impacts were investigated; ten observation locations of each sites were selected in nearby areas. Six parameters i.e., pH, turbidity, conductivity, total hardness, TDS and arsenic were analysed and compared for the years 2010-11 at both the sites. Pollutants value decreased as distance increase from landfill sites. Arsenic concentration in 100% and 15% samples was exceeded WHO and PSQCA limit, respectively. Landfill leachate and groundwater analysis results explored that groundwater chemistry has changed due to infiltration of landfill leachate. Overall groundwater quality in eastern part is detected more contaminated as compared to west part of Lahore city. However, arsenic concentration in whole area is high but Shadhara town is most affected area. Groundwater needs some treatment before use for domestic and drinking purpose.
Akhtar Malik Muhammad, Tang Zhonghua, Ammar Salman Dawood and Muhammad Tayyab Sohail
Experimental and Statistical Analysis of Indoor Air Quality Characteristics in an Air Conditioned Car
The present investigation was focused on the analysis of indoor air quality characteristics of an air conditioned car using statistical approach. The conditioned space was selected and the experiments were planned as per design of experiments to study the effect of human load, fresh air supply and air velocity on the human comfort conditions. The nonlinear regression models were developed to predict the comfort conditions namely temperature, CO2 level and relative humidity over a specified range of input conditions in this investigation.
P. Thirumal, K.S. Amirthagadeswaran and S. Jayabal
Study on Damage of Tourism Function Based on Lake Pollution - A Case of Chaohu Lake, China
Lakes are important tourist destination around the world. A quarter of the lakes is a national scenic in China. The paper analysed tourism function damage of Chaohu lake in China, which is based on comparing the standard of water tourism project. The results show that Chaohu lake has unique natural conditions, such as water depth, temperature, flow, etc. Suitable natural conditions are conducive to water entertainment. Water pollution caused physical and chemical properties changes, such as transparency, pH and floating materials, etc., which limited the tourism development of Chaohu lake, especially close to water project. The paper referred to the literature, calculated water pollution degree and tourism function damage of Chaohu lake. The results show that the water pollution makes swimming loss, water entertainment serious damage, and leisure vacation middle damage. Pollution is mainly eutrophication. Tourism losses have not reached maximum. Chaohu lake should take eco-environment restoration and protection as the prerequisite considering function regionalization and control pollution level.
Baiping Liu and Qingguang Liu
Prey Abundance and Patch Usage for Foraging by Buteo augur in the Afro-alpine Habitats of the Bale Mountains National Park (BMNP), Ethiopia
Quantifying diet related responses of species is key for understanding their functional relationship with their environment. Variation in its magnitude reflects differences in the adaptive value of spatial locations within the distributional range of a species. Amongst the key factors that may account for such variation, differences in prey abundance are critical particularly for predatory species. In this paper, the relationship of the use of patches for foraging by B. augur with prey abundance in the Afro-alpine habitats of the BMNP was studied. Data on the frequency of usage of patches for foraging by B. augur and the abundance of suitable prey species was collected by having samples at three contrasting areas that reflect the overall variation in the Afro-alpine system. Classification of patches using prey abundance predicted their group membership along with the intensity of foraging by B. augur, which varied with very high significance. Two latent variates that were computed by linearly combining the abundance of prey species explained significantly B. augur’s foraging frequency significantly in a quadratic and linear regression models. The first variate that explained most of the group variation in prey abundance predicted the frequency of foraging by B. augur significantly in a quadratic model that explained 66 % of the variation. This variate was mainly defined by the abundances of A. blicki, L. melanonyx and O. bottae. The second variate with a smaller proportion of group variation contributed significantly to the predictive value of a linear regression model that explained 77 % of the variation in the data set. The discriminant scores of this variate were mainly contributed by A. blicki and S. albocaudata. Interpretation of our results indicated that A. bilicki along with S. albocaudata and L. melanonyx may have played principal role in affecting B. augur’s foraging decisions across patches. Generally, in this paper we determined the main prey species that affect the foraging behaviour of B. augur for the first time and presented a body of information and interpretation essentially laying the foundation for further understanding of the species ecology in the BMNP and also in Ethiopia. The findings also assist the general conservation effort in the NP and also initiatives that may specifically target B. augur.
Anteneh Shimelis, Afework Bekele and Simon Thirgood
Effects of Lead and Water Stress on Soil Enzyme Activities from Two Plant Species
Through simulative methods, the influence on soil pH, the soil enzyme activities (urease, invertase and alkaline phosphatase) by the single and combined stress of water and lead were studied in a pot experiment. Five levels of Pb (0, 300, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg soil) and four levels of water stress (soil relative water content (SRW), 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%) were applied. Sophora japonica and Platycladus orientalis were grown in soil-filled pots for pH and soil enzyme activities assays. The results showed that soil pH was affected by Pb and water deficiency. The addition of Pb and water stress caused soil alkalization in Platycladus orientalis, while acidification in Sophora japonica under water stress. Pb could stimulate the soil enzyme activities to some extent. The degree of influence on enzyme activities was related to plant species. Urease and invertase activities increased at 80% and 60% soil relative water content in P. orientalis and S. japonica. Interactions between Pb concentrations and water stress levels significantly impacted the three soil enzyme activities, synergism (DU<0) dominated the interaction in P. orientalis, while antagonism (DU>0) dominated the dominance for invertase and alkaline phosphatase in S. japonica.
Furong Zhou, Jinxin Wang, Nan Yang, Qing Zhang and Peng Zou
Research on a New Physical Based Hydrological Model Applied in Ebinur Lake Basin in China
The physical based hydrologic model based on grid-scale for water resources management (WYJ) was applied into the Ebinur Lake basin in Xinjiang Province, China. Several physical parameters were considered in this model and calculated based on the physical properties by combination with GIS tools. We have considered the warm-up period in order to reduce the error accoused by the uncertainty produced from the physical model. After the calibration and validation of the model, the results showed that the model was able to simulating the basin hydrological processes with high efficiency especially in ground surface. The N-S efficiency coefficient was once exceeded 0.85 in simulation periods and R2 can also reach 0.92. We can draw a conclusion that this physical model can be applied into the Ebinur Lake basin and can provided for decision making for the government.
Wang Yue-jian, Du Jing, Liu Yang and Liu Zhi-hui
The Effect of Ultrasound on Microcystis sp. Morphological Characteristics at Different Ultrasonic Power
Optical microscope, environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) were applied to study the effect of different intensity ultrasound on Microcystis cell morphology. The results showed that after the action of low intensity ultrasound (below the cavitation threshold) on Microcystis cell, extracellular surface became slightly rough, and gelatinous sheath became uneven. Fragmented debris appeared among cells and intracellular thylakoids and bubbles were damaged. Low intensity ultrasonication make photosynthetic capacity and buoyancy control ability of the cell suppressed or disappeared, leading to the inhibition of growth. The main mechanism of low intensity ultrasound on Microcystis cell was mechanical action. After ultrasonication of high intensity, extracellular surface was paler and rough. Gelatinous sheath became more uneven, and there were many fragmented debris. Cell interior was black. All of thylakoids and bubbles were broken, dissolved and disappeared. Cells present as partial block or homogenized structure. Some algal cells appeared pyknotic, but most cell were dead. The main mechanism of high intensity ultrasound was cavitation effect, accompanied by mechanical action at the same time.
Gongduan Fan, Qian Lin and Liru Chen
Groundwater Quality Assessment in Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu Using GIS
Groundwater is a significant source of water in many parts of India, especially in semiarid and arid regions. About 50% of the total irrigated area is dependent on groundwater. Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in both urban and rural areas. Also, it is an important source of water for the agricultural and the industrial sectors. Groundwater quality is as important as the quantity. Poor quality of water adversely affects the plant growth and human health. Hence, the demarcation of groundwater quality is of vital importance to augment groundwater resources. The present study attempts to prepare the spatial variation map of the various groundwater quality parameters for Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu using Geographical Information System (GIS). GIS has been applied to visualize the spatial distribution of groundwater quality in the study area. The major water quality parameters such as pH, total dissolved solids, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, chloride and sulphates etc. were analysed. The final integrated map shows three priority classes such as high, moderate and poor groundwater quality zones of the study area and provides a guideline for the suitability of groundwater for drinking purposes.
J. Colins Johnny and M. C. Sashikkumar
Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes of Upper Bennihalla Basin, Karnataka
A total of 89 representative water samples were collected from borewells and dugwells. The samples were analysed to determine physico-chemical parameters like pH, total dissolved solids, hardness, SO42-, chloride, magnesium and calcium. Based on these analyses, the parameters like sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), sodium soluble percentage, residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index and corrosive ratio have been also determined. The suitability of water from groundwater sources for drinking purposes was calculated by comparing the values of different water quality parameters with WHO and ISI guideline values for drinking water. The correlation of the analytical data has been attempted by plotting different graphical representations such as Wilcox and US Salinity Laboratory for the classification of water, and results show that most of the samples of Upper Bennihalla basin are fit for irrigation.
J. Davithuraj and S. Manjunatha
Urbanization Driving Forces of Unexploited Land Conversion in Ecologically Fragile Karst Areas of Southwest China: A Case Study of Guiyang City
Urbanization is regarded to be one of the most important factors driving land use change. In this paper, through an integrated technique of RS, GIS and GPS, unexploited land conversion has been unveiled from 1996-2010 in Guiyang and further examination has been made on the impact of urbanization on unexploited land change. And based on the adjustment of Markov process, land use transition probability and CLUE-S parameters, many scenarios of unexploited land changes in the study area have been simulated. It is found that: (1) the unexploited land in Guiyang has experienced complex changes due to the rapid social and economic change since 1996. It showed a declining trend generally and was reduced from 74.33 km2 in 1996 to 65.72 km2 in 2010, a reduction of 8.61km2 in 14 years. It has a close relationship with the rapid development of urbanization. (2) The urbanization comprehensive parameter (k) showed growth from 2.91% to 4.78% after urbanization development indicators were standardized during 1996-2010. (3) Regression analysis was used to unveil the relationship between urbanization and unexploited land. There was a significant correlation between them, which proved that the urbanization is one of the dominant factors to lead to exploited land change. (4) The unexploited land will show a significant decreasing trend in the coming 20 years, the conversion-out area will be larger than the conversion-in area in three scenarios and the gap will be widened gradually year by year. During multi-scenario simulations, unexploited land area decrease in ecological protection scenario is most prominent, the proportion of unexploited land converted to construction land in economic development scenario is the largest, and the area of grass land becoming unexploited land in unchanging trend scenario is the largest.
Yan Liu, Xianjin Huang, Taiyang Zhong and Guangjie Luo
Source Identification of Heavy Metals in River Sediments by Using Factor Analysis in Combination with K-means Cluster Analysis
Source identification of heavy metals in river sediments and spacial polluted sample separation are important for either river system protection or remediation. In this study, concentrations of five heavy metals (Fe, As, Cr, Cu, Pb) in the sediments from Bianhe River, northern Anhui Province, China have been measured and analysed by factor and cluster analysis for tracing their sources. The results suggest that there are three kinds of sources for these metals: natural, anthropogenic one and two. Fe is mainly contributed by natural source, 14 points are mainly polluted by As and Cr and four points are polluted by Cu and Pb. In comparison with the location of sampling, the anthropogenic As and Cr are mainly supplied by urban activities, whereas the anthropogenic Cu and Pb are mainly related to traffic, to a lesser extent, point pollution. The study demonstrated that a combination use of factor and K-means cluster analysis can provide reliable information for identifying the source of heavy metals and the location with specific pollution.
Linhua Sun and Herong Gui
Relationship Between Litter Decomposition and Soil Properties Degradation in Six Typical Planted Pure Forests in Mu Us Desert, China
In order to investigate the effect of litter decomposition on soil properties degradation of planted pure forests in southern fringe of Mu Us Desert, China, humus soil and litter (leaf litter and fine roots) were sampled in six typical forests; three treatments as “soil + leaf litter”, “soil + roots” and CK were set for laboratory incubation experiment in this research. The results showed that soil properties in mixed-litter treatments increased at different extent in contrast to CK by litter decomposition. After analysing the increase ratios of soil properties by PCA (principal component analysis) method, as for the comprehensive effect, both leaf litter and roots decomposition showed negative effect in the P. simonii (S+L: -1.589; S+R: -1.671) and C. microphylla (S+L: -0.609; S+R: -1.081) forests soil. However, they showed positive effect of soil comprehensive properties in R. pseudoacacia (S+L: 0.392; S+R: 0.258), S. matsudana (S+L: 1.343; S+R: 0.956) and A. fruticosa (S+L: 0.914; S+R: 0.306) forests soil. As for the H. rhamnoides forest, leaf litter resulted in negative effect (-0.451) and roots resulted in positive effect (1.232). In general, litter decomposition of P. simonii and C. microphylla aggravate the soil degradation, and R. pseudoacacia, S. matsudana and A. fruticosa litter decomposition are more beneficial for soil properties than the other three plants after incubation.
Cai-Hong Mi and Zeng-Wen Liu
Characterization of a Bioactive Compounds Produced by Streptomyces phaeochromogenes NRRL B-2123
Streptomyces is the largest genus of Actinobacteria and includes aerobic, Gram-positive filamentous bacteria with high G+C content. Although, few species of Streptomyces are pathogens, they could be characterized by production of the beneficial metabolites viz., antibiotics, antifungal, antiparasitic, and immunosuppressant compounds. The present study was conducted to isolate Streptomyces from soil and characterize their bioactive compounds. In total 85 soil samples were collected and assessed for production of the bioactive compounds by Agar Well Diffusion method against antagonistic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. Of all the Streptomyces isolates, one strain exhibited potent activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Aspergillus niger. The promising strain identified using 16SrRNA gene sequencing and recognized as Streptomyces phaeochromogenes strain NRRL. Then, the growth phase of production and Arbitrary Unit (AU) of the bioactive compounds were determined, and the cured bioactive compound was purified and subjected to 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FTIR analysis for determination of the structural formula. The results obtained illustrated that high level of the bioactive compounds produced at stationary phase with Arbitrary Unit 32 AU. On the other hand, the data obtained from 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FTIR analysis exhibited a straight chain with a possible structural formula C13H15NO3 for the bioactive compound.
Zahra Bamzadeh, Majid Baserisalehi, Nima Bahador and Seyed Hossein Hejazi
The Relation Analysis Between Meteorological Factors and PM2.5 in Xi’an
In order to analyse the relationship of the change of PM2.5 with each meteorological factor, the PM2.5 was collected in eight monitoring sites of Xi’an, and the data of meteorological factors was provided by NOAA. The paper analyses daily changing trend of PM2.5, and studies its relevancy with air visibility, air speed, temperature and relative humidity. Results show that PM2.5 density has negative correlation with air visibility and speed, good positive correlation with temperature, and when relative humidity is lower than 60%, the relation is positive, while relative humidity is within the range of 61%~100%, the relation is strongly negative. The article provides a reference for fine particulate matter control and its prevention in Xi’an.
Xiaoqiang Zhao, Yanfei Yu, Shixiong Ma, Xun Feng and Xue Lei
Study on Spatial Migration Law of Heavy Metal Copper in Soil-Ligustrum lucidum Plant Interface System
Spatial distribution characteristics of heavy metals in soil-root system have important significance for the research of soil pollution risk assessment and phytoremediation effect. Taking Ligustrum lucidum plant as an example in this paper, according to the characteristics of adsorption of heavy metals in soil by woody plants, laying out sampling points, using Sufer software for Kiging interpolation analysis, horizontal migration law of heavy metal copper in the soil-root interface system was simulated. Through multi-model statistical regression trend analysis, the horizontal migration mechanism of copper in different section has been discussed. The results showed that under horizontal migration law in the surface soil, the migration capability of Cu by root in soil near the roots is relatively weak; with root extending, the migration capability is strengthened gradually. In the deeper soil, the migration law with the root extension was gradually weaker, and the main range of accumulation ability is 60-90cm in three sections. In addition, its migration law follows the cubic curve mode. Under longitudinal migration law, based on the Kriging method, migration models Z(hi) of heavy metal Cu in any depth of hi are constructed.
Jin Xiang Yang, Xiao Long Li, Liangmin Gao, Duoxi Yao and Ming Xu Zhang
Evaluation of Effect of Calcium on Scale Formation and Corrosivity of Groundwater Using GIS
The ancient Thanjavur population located in delta of River Cauvery had been dependent on surface water for drinking until recently, wherein there is an incremental rise in augmented bore-well water supply. Incidentally, there have been observations of moderate to high scale formations by the groundwater during domestic heating, as well as consistently high record of kidney-stone (mostly calcium oxalates) occurrence in the city and its suburbs. The present work focuses on calcium content, its desirability level and the corrosion/scaling coefficients. One hundred two (102) samples were collected prior to monsoon season in the year 2008 from the study area for study of various physico-chemical parameters. In order to estimate scalability and corrosivity, two standard indices (namely Langelier Saturation Index and Ryznar Saturation Index) were used. GIS has been used to develop integrated maps for demarcating zones of different calcium concentrations in groundwater and its relation with scale and corrosion formation tendencies.
K. Ravi Kumar, Ashutosh Das, Mukesh Goel and R. Nagarajan
Influence of Urban Heat Island on Office Building Energy Consumption
In order to investigate the influence of urban heat island on office building energy consumption which is located on different land use types, several representative land use types were selected in Chongqing to do continuous air temperature measurements on August 2007 and January 2008. Urban heat island intensities were obtained with the measured data. The energy consumption simulation software eQUSET was employed to simulate the influence of urban heat island on cooling loads and heating loads of office building separately. The results showed that commercial areas usually have high urban heat island intensities. Additionally, the energy consumption of air conditioning in office building would be increased by 3.48kWh/m2 and the energy consumption of heating would be decreased by 1.22kWh/m2 when the UHI intensity increased by 1°C.
Zhihao Wang and Tao He
Eco-environmental Changes Mechanism in the Source Region of the Yangtze River, China
The source region of the Yangtze River is in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The source region is of great ecological significance to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it is praised as the resources bank of biological species. The ecological environment in the source region of Yangtze River has deteriorated during the past decades. Based on land ecological classification and field investigation, two-phase Landsat TM/ETM remote sensing data obtained in 1995 and 2010 were compared. The spatial changes and dynamic transfers of land ecotypes in the source region were analysed in this paper by using the analytical methods. Results show that the environmental problems in the source region have been caused by the global climate changes and human activities, coupled with the harsh natural conditions and a fragile ecological system. These changes also affect the water environment and the social-economic development of the river basins. There is an urgent need to study possible rehabilitation measures for the eco-environment of the region so as to ensure a sustainable larger river discharge.
Liu Qingguang
Hydrodynamics and Contaminant Transportation Development in Vegetated Open Channel
Recently, the construction of ecological civilization has been paid more and more attention. The construction of ecological river offers a new effective and ecological environmental method for river management and planning. Riparian vegetation can conserve soil and water and purify water quality. It also has a good repair for the ecological system. However, vegetation will recede the watercourse’s capability of flood discharge. So, it is more important to study the effect of vegetation on flow characteristics. On the base of the former study, the localization is summarized, and the direction of future is drawn.
Changjun Zhu and Wenlong Hao
Metal Contamination in Commercially Important Prawn and Shrimp Species Collected from Malad Market of Mumbai Suburb of India
The prawn and shrimp samples were collected from local markets of Malad suburban areas of Mumbai city from June to December 2012. These prawn and shrimp samples were dried in the laboratory and crushed into a fine powder by mortar and pestle and stored in amber coloured bottles in vacuum desiccators. These samples were evaluated by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emissions Spectroscopy for determination of the 10 heavy metals namely Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd and Hg. In the present work, the mean values at minimum and maximum concentrations of copper, zinc, iron and chromium in the prawns and shrimp samples were found below the maximum specified acceptable concentration whereas manganese, cobalt, nickel, lead and cadmium values were found above the maximum specified acceptable concentration as prescribed by WHO. The mean values of the minimum and maximum concentrations of mercury in the prawns and shrimp samples were either less than 0.001ppm or absent in all the species.
G. V. Zodape
Evaluation of Surface Water Quality and Its Suitability for Drinking and Agricultural Use in Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India
Only small amount of freshwater is available to us. Industrial, domestic and agricultural wastes are drained in surface water so the pollution of water increasing day by day. The present study area comes under semi arid climate zone. The physiography of study area is rugged and somewhere plain in central part. The area is covered by quaternary alluvial and underlain by Deccan basalt of cretaceous to eocene age. The area has major irrigation networks and water is used continuously for various purposes. The chemical quality of surface water is of great importance in determining the suitability of water for specific use. Surface water samples were collected from different irrigation projects for analysis and the parameters include pH, alkalinity, hardness, COD, BOD, TSS, chlorides, phosphate, nitrate, SAR, ESP, etc. It is observed that pH is significantly decreased with the increasing pollution load. Pollution load increases organic matter which is turn decreases DO and increases HCO3. From the evaluation of carbonate hazards, it is clear that the surface water is safe from bicarbonate hazards and the water quality is suitable for Irrigation and domestic purposes.
S. N. Patil, Deepali Yeole and N. D. Wagh
Biodeterioration of Some Cultural Heritage in Isfahan City, Iran
The aim of this study was to isolate and phenotypical identification of microorganisms involving in biodeterioration of four historical places in Isfahan, Iran. For this purpose two hundred and ten samples were taken from the stones of Chehel Sotoun, Hasht Behesht, Alighapou and Imam mosque. For bacterial isolation blood agar and modified Bristol medium were used and for screening of fungal isolates potato dextrose agar was used. Then the samples were serially diluted and poured on the selected media. For bacterial isolates the plates were incubated at 30°C for 48 hrs and for fungal isolation the plates were kept at room temperature for 4 weeks. The pure colonies were identified using phenotypical and molecular identification. Fungi were characterized using macroscopic characteristics and microscopic arrangements. The results obtained from this study indicated that the dominant isolated bacteria were Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus thuringiensis and Halomonas sp. In addition the results showed that the fungal isolates belonged to Genus: Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Absidia and Shaccharomyces. Furthermore, the most polluted area was Chehel Sotoun which is located in the traffic part of the city. Overall, stone materials of cultural heritage are constantly exposed to biodegradation by microorganisms and presence of organisms including algae, fungi and bacteria are likely to affect or even cause physico-chemical changes.
H. Modaresi, N. Bahador and M. Baserisalehi
Effect of Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) Extract on Blood Parameters in Mice
Fragrant pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) from Lamiaceae family has many medicinal properties like haematopoietic enhancement. The effect of hydro alcoholic extract of pennyroyal on blood parameters of mice was studied on little laboratory mice from Balb/C race. Fifty mice were divided in five groups: control group, Placebo (0.6 cc of normal saline), and three extract treatment groups (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg/2days). Peritoneum injection was used for enforcing treatments. Blood samples were taken from mice hearts. Data were analysed using SPSS program at 5% probability level. Results showed that total number of white blood cells was increased significantly in third treatment group (200 mg/kg). Red blood cells also increased significantly in this group. Haemoglobin was increased in all treatment groups but haematocrit and blood indices (MCHC, MCH, MCV) did not show any significant effect. According to the results, pennyroyal extract can strengthen immune system in 200 mg/kg dose via increase in number of white blood cells and can affect haematopoietic via increase in number of red cells.
Mehrdad Modaresi and Masumeh Iranpour
The Verification of SO2 Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) in China Based on the Provincial Panel Data During the Tenth and the Eleventh Five-Year
China’s air pollution problem has become more serious and the impacts of various pollutants staggered. As the pollutant sources and the consequences of pollution are various, different governance measures have been taken for different pollutants. Meanwhile, the Environmental Kuznets Curve as a theoretical description of the environmental pollution and the level of economic development, its specific form is still to be demonstrated in practice. As an air pollutant with serious consequences, sulphur dioxide started being controlled in the last century. During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, the government has focused a special object on this project. Through the study of sulphur dioxide Environmental Kuznets Curve, this paper concludes that the country’s sulphur dioxide emission has reached a situation where its emissions have increased rapidly with the economic development, but later entered a slow growth or a gradual decline, and in this process, the proportion of secondary industry and the foreign trade has a significant impact on the emission of sulphur dioxide. The paper provides a reference for the study of other air pollutants emission paths and counter measures.
Chen Feng, Xi Wenyi, Liu Peng, Li Yufei and Shi Lei
An Environmental Benign Approach for Cadmium Removal from Soils Via Tea Saponin Desorption
Tea saponin (TS) is a type of tea seed-derived natural surfactant. Two types of cadmium contaminated soils were washed with TS in batch experiments. The results showed that TS was effective for removal of cadmium from the two soils, and attained 74.5% and 64.6% of cadmium desorption by 8% of TS, respectively. The optimum concentration of TS for soil washing to remove cadmium is 4% under the consideration both of efficiency and cost. The addition of background electrolyte (NaNO3) resulted in a significant increase of the desorption of cadmium by TS. Kinetic studies revealed that the desorption of cadmium by TS was fast, the equilibrium reached at 20 min of contact in the two tested soils. The kinetic data were fitted to the pseudo-second-order kinetic model very well. TS displayed a promising desorption capacity for cadmium in polluted soils.
Xiaohong Lu, Zhijun Yan, Xiangjuan Ma, Huijun Liu and Huilong Xia
Impact of Seafood Processing Factory Effluent on Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Vigna sinensis L. and Oryza sativa L.
The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of a seafood processing factory effluent on seed germination, early seedling growth and chlorophyll content of Vigna sinensis L. and Oryza sativa L. The effluent was collected from a seafood processing factory at Aroor in Alleppey district, Kerala. The physico-chemical parameters pH, DO, BOD, COD, TDS, hardness and chlorides were analysed. The seeds of Vigna sinensis and Oryza sativa were grown in the varying dilutions of the effluent. The analysis of rate of germination, early growth of seedlings and chlorophyll content showed a decrease with higher concentration of the effluent. It could be suggested that the effluents could be safely released into the water bodies or for irrigational purpose only after sufficient dilution.
Romilly Margaret Mendez and Geethal Joseph
Seasonal Occurrence of Endomycophytes in Inner Bark of Kleinhovia hospita Linn.
Endophytic fungi from inner bark of Kleinhovia hospita Linn. were studied in three different seasons during 2009-2010. A total of 24 endophytes were recorded during rainy season, followed by 33 endomycophytes in winter and 18 in summer season. Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, Rhizopus stolonifer, Choanephora sp. and Mucor racemosus were found to be dominant endophytes followed by Bispora punctata, Cladosporium herbarum, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium oxysporum and Nigrospora sp.
T. G. Nagaraja
Growth and Physiological Responses of the Seedling of Raphanus sativus Following Exposure of Seed to Mercury
Heavy metal contamination has been incriminated to affect the physiological processes in plants and induces phytotoxicity at higher concentrations. The present investigation was carried out to assess the effect of 10-fold increase in concentrations of mercury on seed germination, seedling growth and biochemical parameters in axis and cotyledon of Raphanus sativus. The seeds sterilized by 80% ethanol were pre-soaked in 10-5, 10-3 and 10-2 M concentrations of HgCl2 for 24 hr. The control seeds were soaked in distilled water. These seeds were plated in moist filter paper and were kept in dark chamber at 25±2°C for 96 hours. Germination of seeds was recorded at 24 hr interval up to 96hr. The root and the shoot length were recorded in 48, 72, 96 and 120hr of radical emergence. R. sativus seeds showed 85, 77, 51 and 1% germination in control, 10-5, 10-3, 10-2 M mercury treated seeds, respectively after 24hr of plating. There was a significant inhibition of germination percent at 10-3 and 10-2 M Hg concentration. Maximum seedling growth was observed in control and minimum in 10-3 Hg during 120hr of seedling growth. Hg (10-5 and 10-3 M) inhibited hypocotyls growth by 10 to 40%, and radical growth by 15 to 50% as compared to control. The starch, sugar and amylase activity in the axis significantly (P<0.05) reduced with exposure of seed to 10-3 M concentration of mercury. It was concluded that the higher concentration of mercury significantly affects the seed germination and seedling growth.
Rajasri Sahoo, B. Satapathy and Santilata Sahoo
Optimization of MSW Collection Routing System to Reduce Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions
With development of economy and modern socialization, the daily yield of household solid waste becomes a serious problem nowadays. To dispose of these solid wastes, people should collect the wastes and transport to municipal solid waste treatment plant to handle it. Usually, municipal solid waste (MSW) collection can account for more than 70% costs in the total MSW management system, and most of these costs are fuel costs. As we know, the emissions from vehicles contribute acid rain and global warming a lot in recent years. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to find an optimal solution to reduce the emission and minimize the fuel consumption. By applying systems engineering methods, some models can be designed and modified to simulate the routes for collecting and transporting the MSW in the major urban area, in order to get an optimal solution which can achieve the goal of reducing fuel consumption from transportation and emission. In this study, an optimization for MSW collection routing using 3D GIS modeling is reviewed to get some new knowledge and idea. The main purpose of this study is to introduce a successful example and methodology which is used to optimize the MSW collection routing system, and design a model to find an optimal solution to minimize the fuel consumption and reduce the emissions in one area of St. John’s, Newfoundland, by applying systems engineering methods.
Cheng-Zhi Li, Yan Zhang, Zhi-Hui Liu, Xianyong Meng and Jing Du
Study on the Characteristics of the Vegetation in the Fenced Region of Ningxia in China
Fencing has been used as a main measure for rangeland and pasture rehabilitation all over the world. By quadrat method, the vegetation of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has been investigated for the impacts of different fencing time on vegetation community structure and biomass. The result shows that it increases biodiversity and makes the vegetation community more stable. But long time fencing is not conducive to vegetation recovery. The Biodiversity Index in the edge areas and peripheral areas reached to highest level in the 4th and 5th year after fencing respectively. The Richness Index (R1) and Comprehensive Diversity Index (D, H) of the edge areas are 22, 2.26, 6.18, and those in the peripheral areas reach to 13, 1.67 and 3.24. Then biodiversity index decreased as fencing time increases. Under different fencing measures, the Biodiversity Index in the core area is the highest. So fencing is an effective measure for vegetation restoration. The vegetation coverage and biomass in the peripheral areas are the largest. This shows that rational uses of grassland are beneficial to vegetation recovery. Strip tillage doesn’t have obvious effects on vegetation recovery, and it suggested that grazing or cutting can be used in this region for rangeland and pasture rehabilitation.
Lili Wang, Kebin Zhang, Ruiping Hou, Xiaoteng Xu, Xiao Wang and Xiaodan Liu
Study on the Ecological Characteristics and Change Analysis of Xin Jiang Junggar Basin Based on the NDVI
The SPOTVGT NDVI data of 1998 to 2008 were selected to analyse the ecological pattern and variation characteristics of Junggar basin in China. Conclusions are as follows: The overall ecological pattern of the basin is that, an apparent and continuous oasis belt was formed in the north, a small oasis area was distributed in the northern basin, and the ecological condition in the centre of the basin is poor but stable. The most flourishing period of the natural vegetation in the basin is in August, while in the central part of the basin, it lasts from late May to early June; vegetation also apparently appears flourishing during this period with subsequent downfall of ephemeral plants. While the ephemeral plants are distributed in the whole basin except the artificial farmland, flourished in the oasis edge, rare in the central part of the basin, but a slightly prosperous area was formed in the middle of the basin (North of Hutubi). The biomass in the basin has increased within basin in recent years mainly due to the agricultural expansion. The development activities of human mainly affect the edge of the oasis with the range of 50 km, and the greatest impact area is near the edge of the oasis with 5-10 km.
He Lingyun, Meng Xianyong, Du Jing, Wang Yuejian, Cai Yongge and Tang Xiangling
Collaborative Optimization of Emergency Rescue Under Sudden Inter-City Natural Disaster
This paper combines the characteristics of sudden inter-city natural disaster, and finds out the emergency rescue principles based on the theory of collaborative. Disaster situation and distribution of rescue resources, the rescue efficiency, the rescue reliability, the rescue time and other factors are considered comprehensively, and then a multi-objective assignment model is constructed. Attribute value matrices are transformed into fuzzy relationship matrices according to the theory of fuzzy mathematics and the reserve point method is applied according to the characteristic of the optimization model. With purpose of showing the validity and feasibility of the algorithm Hungarian method is adopted to prove it. The results of the numerical example illustrate that the proposed multi-objective plan does well in task allocation and can satisfy the inter-city emergency rescue task.
Zhang Lei and Kong Yan-yan
Decomposition Analysis of Driving Factors for Building Energy Consumption in China
This paper offers a model for analyzing the factors affecting building energy consumption based on qualitative analysis. Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method is used to decompose the driving factors causing China’s building energy consumption change during 2005-2009. It is concluded that improvement of people’s living condition and the increment of building area significantly lead to increase of energy consumption. Although the effect is relatively small, population and urbanization devote to energy consumption as well, while improvement of building efficiency is slow for the growth of energy consumption. From year 2005 to year 2009, energy saving of 121 million tons of standard coal, has been achieved by improving building energy efficiency. It decreases building energy consumption by 23%. Building energy efficiency played an important role in protecting the environment.
Cai Weiguang, Ren Hong and Cao Shuangping
Studies on Runoff Wastewater Remediation Technology Based on Immobilized Microorganisms
To study the impact of immobilized microorganisms on runoff wastewater treatment, the immobilized microbial activity pellets have been prepared in the paper by using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as the embedding agent, the sodium alginate, silicon dioxide (SiO2), calcium carbonate, attapulgite or activated carbon as the additive and the Limon microbial bacteria as the microbial agent. Through the orthogonal experiment, the optimal embedding condition of microbial immobilization is determined by taking the removal rate of overlying waterbody COD and NH4+-N as the assessment index, reaching up to 71.87% and 92.65% respectively. The correlation analysis shows that the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification reactions are carried out in the removal process of overlying waterbody NH4+-N.
Yin Wenliang
Water Quality Status of a Polluted Pond, Bhabua Town (Kaimur), Bihar
Considering the impacts of industrial effluents on the water quality of many ponds, reservoirs, lakes and rivers as reported in the literature, the present study of water quality of a polluted pond was undertaken. Several physico-chemical parameters of the polluted pond namely Suman Lal Ka Pokhara were analysed to evaluate its suitability for washing, pisciculture and irrigation purposes by determining parameters like water temperature, pH, conductivity, DO, alkalinity, total hardness, BOD, nutrients, etc. Water was found acidic. Contents of chloride and TDS were not within the limits accepted for irrigation. Other parameters also suggested that the pond is not fit for other purposes also.
Shivchandra Kumar, Anil Kumar Singh and D. K. Paul
Study on Germination and Growth of Chromium Treated Green Gram, Vigna radiata (L.)
The present study has revealed the effect of heavy metal chromium on germination and seedling growth of green gram, Vigna radiata (L.). The seed germination was recorded maximum for control, while germination percentage decreased with increasing concentrations of chromium. But still there is sign of germination at higher concentrations, 5ppm and 7.5ppm of chromium. The resultant seedlings were weak. Here we found that the lowest concentration of 0.05ppm promotes germination. Amount of protein, carbohydrates and chlorophyll gradually decreased with increasing concentration of chromium.
Sheeja P. Parayil, K. A. Praseetha and E. S. Abhilash
Volumes & Issues
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