Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

ISSN: 0972-6268(Print); ISSN: 2395-3454 (online) An Open Access Online Journal

Archives Issues

Volume 13, Issue No 4, Dec 2014



Contents and other pages


Grey Relationship Analysis on Ecological Footprint and Economic Growth in China: Based on Environmental Protection Perspective

Based on the perspective of environmental protection, this paper adopts the Grey relationship analysis method to measure the relationship between ecological footprint of different land types, ecological footprint and economic growth. It is shown that there is strongest consistency between the grassland ecological footprint and the total ecological footprint. Changing tendency consistency between biological resource land’s ecological footprint and the total ecological footprint is higher than that of energy resource land, the influence of energy resource land’s ecological footprint on economic growth is stronger than that of biological resource land, and the building land’s ecological footprint influences economic growth the most strongly.

Jian Jin, Zhen Zhao, Jianxiang Wang and Jakuri Butti

The Influence of Spatial Resolution on the Prediction of Soil Organic Matter Distribution in a Mollisol Watershed of Northeast China

Geostatistics, traditional statistics and landscape indicators were used to analyse the influence of sampling resolution on the prediction of spatial variability of soil organic matter (SOM) in a typical Mollisol of northeast China. Gaussian models were recognized as the best to predict SOM spatial distribution in all resolution groups. Spatial autocorrelations as influenced by structure factors were moderate for groups 0.025, 0.037b, 0.074a, 0.074c and 0.074d, and strong for 0.015, 0.037a, 0.074b and 0.074e. The relatively shorter autocorrelation distances (A0) in data groups were all close to 7 km. Means and standard deviation (SD) of 0.025 resolution was close to 0.015. TA (Total area), LPI (Largest patch index) and COHESION (Patch cohesion index) were similar between resolutions 0.015 and 0.025. Generally, a sample-grid £ 0.025 km2 was recognized as a better resolution to predict SOM spatial variability by ordinary kriging interpolation if a sample-grid method was adopted in the black soil region of northeast China. The accurate prediction of soil nutrient heterogeneity by interpolations (Geostatistics) is mainly determined by the representative of soil sampling which should reflect through resolution the entire environmental factors in the research area.

Shaoliang Zhang and Xingyi Zhang

Harmony Assessment Indicators and Methods for Water-Human System Based on Synthesis Model in Weihe Basin

In response to a growing environmental crisis and to vast social inequalities in global development, we argue to adopt harmony development as a leading development model. The harmony assessment and harmony indicators can be powerful decision-supporting tools that foster harmonious development. In this paper, a set of evaluation indicators and models are proposed to assess the harmony level of the water-human system. Based on the concept of water-human harmony, authors established an index system with capacity to estimate water-human harmony, including 2 systems, 7 subsystems and 24 indicators. Employing Set Pair Analysis theory and Variable Fuzzy Set theory, the authors developed a model based on the variable weights (SPA-VFS-VW model) to describe the development degree of water-human system. The cooperative game theory was applied to set up a Cooperative Game Distance Coordination Degree model (CGDCD model). A novel harmony degree method (multi-criteria multiplicative synthesis model) was developed to assess the harmony degree. The derived models in this paper were applied to estimate the harmony degree of water-human system for a period of 10 years (2001 to 2010) in the Weihe basin. The results indicated that the values of harmony degree have a slightly decreasing trend ranging 0.597 to 0.696 in values. The assessing performance was compared with two assessment models to confirm the feasibility of the developed models and the reliability of the obtained results. This exploratory study also illustrates that the synthesis model presented in this paper can provide a practical and feasible approach to assess the water-human harmony. Assessment indicators and models provide the powerful decision-supporting tools for making environment strategies.

Yan Kang and Songbai Song

The Sedimentary Characteristics and Sediment Transport in the Tidal Depositional System of the Eastern Bohai Sea

The Laotieshan Channel is one of the major channels in the north of the Bohai Strait, China. A tidal depositional system shaped by strong currents has developed in the eastern Bohai Sea, consisting of the Laotieshan Channel, the Liaodong Shoal and the Bozhong Shoal. Based on the grain-size characteristics, distribution of heavy minerals and numerical simulation results, the sediment distributions of different geomorphic units were analysed, and the trend of sediment transport is discussed. The results show that coarse-grained sediment is mainly distributed in the Laotieshan Channel, and the typical sediment type is muddy sandy gravel, whereas fine-grained sediment mainly covers the Liaodong Shoal and the Bozhong Shoal. Moreover, the sediments in sand ridges have a finer grain size than those in troughs. The sediment of the Bozhong Shoal mainly consists of muddy sand. The sediments of ridges, in contrast, are sand and silty sand; those of troughs are sandy silt and silty sand. The distribution of typical heavy minerals is similar to that of total heavy minerals and areas with relatively high content occur in the sand ridge area and the sand sheet area. The Laotieshan Channel is eroded and the sediment is transported to the Liaodong Shoal and the Bozhong Shoal. The sediment continues to be transported northwest in the Bozhong Shoal, while in the Liaodong Shoal it is transported approximately along the long axes of sand ridges. The sediment transport trends in the tidal depositional system are adapted to the hydrodynamic environment, and the tidal geomorphological system of the Liaodong Shoal will remain stable at the century scale.

Jin Yuxiu, Cao Zhimin, Wu Jianzheng, Zhu Longhai and Li Shunli

Soil Organic Carbon Distribution Under Different Land Uses and Landscape Positions in Two Typical Watersheds of the Loess Plateau, China

Soil organic carbon distribution and its storage were estimated in two classical small watersheds that based on 163 samples under different land uses and landscape positions. Land use conversion may alter land cover, which results in carbon stock changes in biomass as well as in the soil. After the project of Grain for Green, initiated in Loess Plateau, most area has been conducted vegetation restoration same as the comprehensive managed watershed (Shanghuang), with spread vegetation-covered region and lower slope farmland. However, it is not clear that how effective the newly initiated project will be. In this study, we found an original watershed (Sidigou) as the reference, which has not done any ecological restoration projects, and kept primitive cultivated management. The results show that soil organic carbon (SOC) in comprehensive managed watershed (Shanghuang) was higher than the untreated watershed (Sidigou). As the soil depth increases, the SOC content gradually decreases. Soil organic carbon concentration and distribution were significantly influenced by land uses and landscape positions. The SOC of the shrub land and natural grassland were significantly higher than for the other land uses. The SOC of the valley was greater than that for the top of mound crests and mound slope. The total SOC storage of untreated watershed and comprehensively managed watershed were 20099.42 t and 46527.12 t, respectively. The area proportion of land uses is the important reason for income gap of the two study areas. Land use conversion from farmland to shrub land and or artificial grassland was better for loess hilly area. It was found that the projects to restore vegetation, such as Grain for Green would be beneficial for the ecological restoration of Loess Plateau in China.

Zhijing Xue, Xuan Fang, Wanzhong Wang and Shaoshan An

Evaluation of The Trace Metal Contamination in Sediments of The Urban Water Channels in Thrissur City, South India

Present study endeavours to estimate the domain of trace metal contamination in the sediments of water channels of Thrissur city. The major trace elements present in the study area were reviewed and in addition the organic carbon content in the sediments confined to the urban channels was also determined. Thrissur is a newly constituted corporation and is momentarily undergoing nimble urbanization which sequentially place aggravated trace metal pollution. This is habitually caused by land run off, dredging and other linked anthropogenic activities. The discharge of such urban effluents into the natural channels might have contributed to add up accumulation of metals. Correlation with the standard geochemical background values, it is palpable that the average total concentration of lead and zinc are fairly high. Cadmium concentration was found to be inflated in some locations. The contamination factor determined for Ni, Zn, Pb and Cd signify that, these may induce contamination in the sediments. From the correlation studies it is accomplished that, there exists a positive relationship among cadmium, nickel and zinc and that speak to a common source.

Anet Panakkal and R. B. Binoj Kumar

Use of Municipal Garbage for the Production of Quality Swietenia macrophylla King (Mahogany) Seedlings

Domestic refuse and non-hazardous wastes such as commercial and institutional wastes are turning to become the major threats to the human health and environment. Municipal waste management is the most challenging issue since these wastes are dumped in open places and not being used or treated for any purpose. It has created a real threat not only to the living environment but also for the cultivation of crops as well as afforestation. The present investigation was conducted to study the influence of two weeks decayed or stored waste materials as component potting media on the growth and vigour of Swietenia macrophylla (mahogany) seedlings. The municipal waste, coir waste and tea wastes were mixed with sand and soil in different concentrations. At the end of the study, the growth and biomass production was higher in soil : partly decayed municipal waste in 1:1 (T2) and high quality seedlings were produce in control (soil, sand and cow dung in 1:1:1). Above ground and below ground biomass was maximum produced by soil : partly decayed municipal waste (T2) and control (T1) respectively. The physiological characters like number of leaves, specific leaf weight and chlorophyll content were highest in soil, the potting media of partly decomposed municipal waste : sand mixture (T5). Leaf weight and relative growth rate gave highest in soil : partly decayed tea waste : sand in 1:1:1 (T7). The present study revealed that potting media of partially decomposed municipal as well as tea waste in combination with soil and sand provided better performance in growth attributes. The present investigation reiterated that municipal or industrial waste will be a good alternative to the standard potting media which is widely used in the mass production of seedlings of mahogany in the nursery.

K. Vidyasagaran, R. Ajeesh and Vikas Kumar

Application of Internal Circulation (IC) and Two-Step Biochemical Process for Oil Wastewater Treatment

In expectation to improve the properties of production wastewater with both complicated composition and high amount of organic compounds produced by oil and grease processing enterprise, pretreatment, IC anaerobic technology and the two stage biological contact oxidation technology were combined to process the oil wastewater. It was found that the removal rate of COD, oil and ammonia nitrogen could be enhanced to 99.71%, 99.8%, 85.8%, respectively when the concentration of influent COD, grease and ammonia nitrogen were 32500mg/L, 2800mg/L and 95 mg/L. Besides, the effluent quality could keep stable, coming up to the primary standard of the integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB8978-1996). Meanwhile, biogas, a kind of clean secondary energy, was also produced during the treatment process and could be applied in both power generation and steam production, exhibiting excellent technicality and economic.

Qinfang Lu, Shirong Lai, Zhongjiang Wu, Huangyan Huang and Qifei Zhou

Spatial Dynamics of Rodent Population Trends in the Afro-Alpine Moorlands of the Bale Mountains National Park, South-Eastern Ethiopia

The main objective of this paper is explaining the spatial dynamics of rodent population in the Afro-alpine moorlands of the Bale Mountains National Park (BMNP). While assessing patterns of rodent abundance, species-specific relationships of abundance with habitat features were evaluated. The habitat variables were percent cover of vegetation and other structural features of the environment. The importance of habitat variables in explaining species-specific patterns in abundance was evaluated using regression modelling. The models were also used to make predictions and corroborate predictions. Percent cover of Alchemilla herbs came out to be the only habitat feature with significant contribution to the predictive value of each model built separately for Arvicanthis blicki, Lophuromys melanonyx and Stenocephalemys albocaudata. Each model then was used to produce estimates of abundance of each species using habitat data collected in 2007 and 2008. The resulting estimates correlated at high statistical significance with what was observed on the ground in both the years.

Anteneh Shimelis, Afework Bekele and Simon Thirgood

Eco-Environmental Quality Evaluation and Dynamic Ecological Patterns for Songhua River Watershed in Harbin Section, China

Analyses of land use change (LUC) is fundamental to the understanding of economical development, social contradiction and environmental problems, therefore, in this paper, the Songhua River watershed was selected as a case study area for quantitative evaluation of eco-environment quality. Technologies of RS (remote sensing), GIS (geographic information system), the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methods, and other statistical methods were employed to implement. The results shown that during the recent decade, more than 87% of the total land area in the study area was dominated by agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry production; the areas of foreland and water body were increased, while others decreased .The eco-environment response to LUC displayed spatial distribution, it can be concluded that the excellent eco-environment quality, with the stable ecosystem, was mainly located in mountain region covering a larger vegetation, the poor and bad level of eco-environment quality associated with plain region that is dominated by the greater extent of human activities. The change of eco-environment quality grades in the study area was mainly associated with LUC. The social economic indicators were not integrated into that ecological model, thereby, in the course of economic development, more attention should be paid to this aspect in future studies in order to better coordinate the relationship between economical development and ecological processes.

Yujuan Zhang, Jianhua Wang, Wenfeng Gong and Weichao Shang

Study on the Toxicology of PM10 in Manas River Basin of China

PM10 samples were collected in spring and summer 2010 in Manas River Basin, Xinjiang, China. The water-soluble fraction was subjected to plasmid DNA assay, and several conclusions were obtained. Damages to DNA caused by PM10 with the same mass concentration were different and related to the source of particulate matters and their complex components. The correlation between mass concentration and damage rates of the samples was not linear, indicating that the rate of particulate matter damage reached a threshold value under the synthetic action of their complex components, and then the range of damage changed with increased mass concentration. Damage to DNA caused by PM10 samples in spring was significantly lower than that in summer. Little difference in toxicity was observed between whole samples and their water-soluble fractions in both spring and summer. In other words, in the same city and under similar weather conditions, the toxicity of the whole particulate matter samples was close to the toxicity of their water-soluble fraction, indicating that the damage to DNA was usually due to the water-soluble fraction of particulate matters.

Wang Yuejian, Zhang Junmin, Liu lin, Zhang Jianlong and Solvakoru Alexander

Potential Analysis of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction of Existing Buildings Retrofit in Chongqing in Medium and Long Term

Based on current situation and relative plan of energy efficiency of existing buildings, the authors aim to explore the potential of energy conservation and emission reduction of existing buildings retrofit in Chongqing, in medium and long term (2016-2035). Scenario analysis is used to predict energy conservation of existing residential buildings and commercial buildings from 2016 to 2035. The authors create three potential future policy and market scenarios, which include baseline scenario as the Twelfth Five-year (2011-2015) plan, optimism scenario and pessimistic scenario. The results showed that there exists great potential for energy conservation of existing buildings in Chongqing. In the Sixth Five-year (2031-2035), reasonable policy and market intensify will cause energy conservation potential to rise up to 117,100 tons of SCE, and reduce 353,800 tons of CO2. Existing commercial buildings are the key to promote building energy conservation, while existing residential buildings with increasing energy intensity should be an important issue in long term.

Ren Hong, Liu Huabing, Cai Weiguang and Qin Beibei

Assessment of Island Land Ecosystem Services Value and Their Spatial Distribution

The ecosystem service value of different land types on Ximen Island in Zhejiang Province is measured using 2012 WorldView-2 satellite remote sensing data and the Chinese terrestrial ecosystem services value table. The spatial distribution of ecosystem services was also studied via geo-statistics and the spatial analysis functions of ArcGIS. The results show that the ecosystem services of Ximen Island are worth 149.557 million Yuan in total. The ecological services displayed obvious spatial heterogeneity. Among the value of individual ecosystem services, mudflat wetlands and woodland occupy a major position with values reaching 136.034 million Yuan and 7.445 million Yuan, respectively. These two services accounted for 90.96% and 4.97% of the total value. The construction land, bare land, and idle land contributed much less to the total. The results indicate that the functional orientation of Ximen Island as a National Marine Specially Protected Area is being fulfilled.

Degang Wang, Aiqin Shi, Xiaobo Wang, Zhenke Zhang and Heon Sounghook

Biodiversity and Biomass on Abandoned Lands in Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi of China

This paper takes Hejiaou river region as the research object by time-space mutual substitution method to probe biodiversity and biomass of 29 sample abandoned lands. The results show that: (1) Biodiversity of vegetation changes along with the abandoned age of biomass. Simpson index, Shannon-Weiner index, Margalef richness index and Pielou evenness index reach the maximum when the abandoned age is 10 or 11 years. And biomass increases along with the growth of the abandoned age. (2) Biodiversity and biomass of different site types vary from one to another. For Simpson index, sunny slope>cloudy slope>semi-cloudy slope>semi-sunny slope. For Shannon-Weiner index and Pielou evenness index, sunny slope>cloudy slope>semi-sunny slope>semi-cloudy slope. For Margalef richness index, semi-sunny slope>semi-cloudy slope>cloudy slope>sunny slope. For biomass, cloudy slope>semi-cloudy slope>sunny slope>semi-sunny slope. The difference among Simpson index, Margalef richness index and Pielou evenness index is not apparent in terms of site type. But sunny slope and semi-cloudy slope of Shannon-Weiner index are distinguished from each other (p<0.05). And there is a great difference among biomass of four site types (p<0.05). (3) Simpson index, Shannon-Weiner index, Margalef richness index and Pielou evenness index have no linear correlation with biomass, indicating that biodiversity and biomass are not correlated.

Yaojun Bo, Qingke Zhu, Jingwen Ren, Weijun Zhaoj and Auer. B. Reddy

Measures to Control Environmental Pollution and the Use of Grey Situation Decision-Making for Family-Run Livestock Breeding Farms

This study applies the theory of grey situation decision-making to identify optimum measures under six areas of study for controlling environmental pollution from family-run livestock breeding farms. We itemize 24 countermeasures for controlling such pollution and determining intended goal and effect to establish grey situation decision-making model to obtain optimal decision-making scheme of management measures that conform to the environment of family-run livestock breeding farms. As a result, grey situation decision-making can provide a convenient and scientifically-based situation for identifying those renovation programs of measures which provide the optimal outcome for controlling the environmental impact of the farms.

Zaohong Zhou

Studies on Chemical Pretreatment of Straw for Enhancing Soil Structure Formation and Stability

The direct straw incorporation to soils can lead to problems of slow decomposition, diseases and pests, and nitrogen immobilization by microorganisms competing with crop uptake. We examined how straw pretreatments (either comminution, addition of liquid urea or blending with ferric hydroxide) aimed at decreasing these risks affected aggregation, bulk density, porosity and water evaporation of amended soils. Results showed that comminuted and urea treated straw significantly improved soil aggregation and increased soil porosity. Whereas a direct incorporation of straw had no impact on aggregate stability or porosity. Pretreatment of the straw doubled the MWD measured with wet sieving method and increased porosity by up to 12%; the application of ferric hydroxide effectively improved soil porosity distribution and further controlled the soil water evaporation; the combined application of ferric hydroxide and straw had a better effect on soil water conservation. The above results provided a theoretical basis for the selection of an optimal straw-returning method.

Yumei Li, Hao Feng and Zhen Wang

Zero Liquid Discharge Scheme in a Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Textile Industries in Tamilnadu, India

Perundurai Common Effluent Treatment Plant is one of the front runners in implementing ‘Zero Liquid Discharge’ concept in the treatment and management of effluents from a cluster of textile processing industries. The effluent is segregated into low TDS (< 2100 mg/L) and high TDS (> 2100 mg/L) streams at the individual member units itself and sent to treatment plant through separate pipelines. Low TDS effluent is subjected to primary, secondary and tertiary treatments to recover 77.7 % of the effluent for reuse by the member units. High TDS effluent is treated through Multiple Effect Evaporators and solar evaporation pans or salt recovery plant and converted into solid wastes. Out of a total pollution load of 48 kg/m3 of effluent, only 6.0 kg/m3 is removed through the treatment and the remaining is transferred to solid wastes. The capital investment to implement this scheme comes to Rs. 67,018/m3 with recurring expenditure of Rs. 90/m3.

P. Mani and M. Madhusudanan

Effect of Organophosphorus Pesticides on Enzyme Activities in Alluvial Soil (Typic Ustochrepts)

Acephate, dimethoate and phosphamidon are organophosphate pesticides with high toxicity and may significantly affect soil microbial activities. However, the magnitude of this effect is unclear yet. The potential harmful effect of these pesticides on soil enzyme activity was accessed in the soil collected under controlled laboratory conditions. We examined the effect of recommended (RD) and double the recommended doses (2RD) of these pesticides on the soil enzymatic activities. The incubation study was carried out at 60% of maximum water holding capacity of the soil sample at 28±2°C for a period of 42 days. Our results indicated that high acephate, dimethoate and phosphamidon doses significantly affect enzymatic activities in the soil. Our results provide the first evidence that acephate, dimethoate and phosphamidon differentially affected the soil microbial community through inhibiting fungal and bacterial populations.

Nisha Sahu, P. Raha, Asha Sahu and Udai B. Singh

Model Selection for Emission Models Based on Emission Factors

Transportation industry accounts for the majority of air pollutant emission, which is one of the leading factors of climate change. Many vehicle emission models have been proposed focusing on emission factors to study the pollutant emission issue. However, little research has been done in China on emission models, though China is a major air pollutant-emitting country. This paper first introduces two emission models-MOBILE model and MOVES model, then proposes model selection methods including AIC (Akaike information criterion) and BIC (Bayesian information criterion) to compare and select the better model which could be applied in China. Experimental results show that the value of AIC and BIC for MOVES model is significantly lower than MOBILE model, which implies that MOVES model has better performance on real data fitness and prediction. Our experimental findings may be useful for future research on air pollutant emission modelling in China.

Jing M. A., Shuping Huang and Kasjewruy Pateuro

Modification in Asphalt Texture by Heavy Metal Tolerant Bacteria Isolated From Industrial Effluent

Asphalt is a sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum. It is also known as bitumen which may be found in natural deposits or may be a refined product; classed as a pitch. Earlier reports show that most natural bitumen contains sulphur and several heavy metals, such as nickel, vanadium, lead, chromium, mercury, arsenic, selenium, and other toxic elements. The primary use of asphalt/bitumen is in road construction, where it is used as the glue or binder mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Many studies demonstrated microbial utilization of asphalt and related hydrocarbons, particularly the petroleum hydrocarbons. Investigation was carried out to isolate and characterize microorganisms and determine their heavy metal tolerance activity from such kind of ponds in which the pitch waste effluent was released. Later, it was checked whether they have any role in the modification of asphalt texture. Experiments were executed by first determining the physical and chemical characteristics (flame test) of the pitch effluent, then isolating the microorganisms from it and found Gram positive Coccus. Flame test revealed the presence of arsenic (As) and lead (Pb). Then, it was checked whether the isolated microorganisms are tolerant to these heavy metals. Later, the use of these heavy metals by the isolated microorganisms was detected by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric study. The pattern of growth indicated it to be Staphylococcus sp., and when incubated with asphalt, it not only utilizes the hydrocarbon, but also prevents it from hardening. Thus, a pathogenic bacteria can be utilized in recycling of complex hydrocarbon and it continue to sustain itself for a prolong period even in the absence of suitable substrate.

Moumita Dasgupta, Rashmi Das, Ghazala Haque, Ishani Banerji, Shuvojit Nandy, Arup Kumar Mitra and Lopamudra Roy

Optimization of Conditions for Biohydrogen Production From Industrial Waste by Anaerobic Co-digestion

Food processing wastewater contains biodegradable organic matter, and biogas and hydrogen content varies with the operational conditions of the anaerobic digester and may be useful control parameter. Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) was investigated for the treatment of low biodegradable composite chemical wastewater, which was complex in nature. In Phase-I, experiments were carried out in a laboratory scale batch reactor fed with sugar industrial wastewater with different concentrations. During batch mode operation the various characteristics of sugar industrial wastewater such as pH, TS, TDS, TVSS, BOD5,20, etc. were studied. The variation among these characteristics with respect to days can be plotted to know the maximum growth of microorganisms in batch reactor. The batch process is mainly started for the acclimatization process (growing of microorganisms) and to find the steady state condition for the reactor which shows optimum conditions.

Gokulan Ravindiran* and N. Mohankumar

Eco-Agriculture Demonstration Park Planning-A Case Study Qi River Ecological Agriculture Park, Hebi, China

Agricultural structure adjustment is an important measure to promote the development of ecological agriculture by the Chinese government, and the construction of ecological agriculture demonstration park is an important part of the agricultural structure adjustment. This paper studied the Qi River ecological agriculture demonstration zone located in Hebi, China, and formulated the overall planning program based on the SWOT analysis, ecological suitability analysis and market demand analysis. The results are the following: Nine functional zones are established based on its development positioning, namely, eco-harvesting zone, leisure village, fun farm zone, facility agricultural zone, technology demonstration zone, recreational zone, Qi River original ecological experience zone, agribusiness incubator zone, and development reserve zone. Special planning for road transportation system, water system, and infrastructure should be fully integrated. Eco-agriculture demonstration zone is an important direction of China’s modern agricultural development, and its rational planning can help to improve the sustainability of the park’s development.

Yichuan Zhang, Lilei Zhang and Xinzheng Li

The Species Diversity and Patch Characteristics in Subtropical Evergreen and Deciduous Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest

Forest communities are composed of different developmental types (gap patch (G), building patch (B), mature patch (M) and degenerate patch (D). The mean basal area, mean volume of each individual, mean DBH, standing volume, and mean height, all significantly increased along the process of forest cycle (G-B-M-D) (p<0.05). Different sized individuals and different functional groups only appeared in specific patch types. Bigger individuals mainly occurred in the late phase (M and D). Generalist species (GES) mainly existed in the G, while infrequent species (INF) and fern mainly appeared in the M. b diversity index of non-adjacent patch phases was higher than that of the two adjacent patch phases, and in the G, species richness and diversity were the highest among four different patches (G, B, M and D). A possible mechanism that could explain the diversity maintenance in subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest was put forward.

Renyan Duan, Ganlin Wu, Minyi Huang, Xiaoquan Kong and Zhigao Wang

Statistical Distribution Features and Evaluation of Ecological Risk in Superficial Sediments of Hulun Lake

The paper discusses concentrations, statistical distributions and ecological risks of seven heavy metals in superficial sediments of Hulun Lake. The highest values for heavy metal concentrations in sediments before the modern industrialization of the world and grade I criteria of the National Standard for Soil Environmental Quality were used to analyse the accumulation and potential ecological risk (PER) coefficients of heavy metals. The PER index for each sample location is also discussed. The PER index was evaluated using the method of Lars Hakanson to evaluate ecological risk. The distribution of content of heavy metal does not reveal regional distributive characteristics; the space distribution differential is small. However, three metals (i.e., Zn, Cr, Cu) exhibit the same trend. These heavy metals are highly concentrated in the northeast and southwest parts of Hulun Lake than at the entrance of the Xinkai, Wuerxun, and Kelulun rivers. Using the highest values for heavy metal concentrations in sediments before the modern industrialization of the world as reference, these heavy metals have an accumulation order of Pb > Zn > Cd > Cu> As > Cr > Hg and pollution level order of Cd > As > Pb > Cu > Hg > Cr > Zn. However, most of these heavy metals are in low risk states. Using the grade I criteria of the National Standard for Soil Environmental Quality work as reference, these heavy metals have an accumulation order of Cd > Zn > Cu > As > Pb > Cr > Hg and pollution level order of Cd > As > Hg > Cu > Pb > Cr > Zn. Cd is the potential impact element for the ecological environment in Hulun Lake.

Rong Li and Xiaohui Shu

Flue Gas Desulfurization Experimental Research on Activated Carbon Fibre

As a new type of high performance adsorbents and catalysts, activated carbon fibre (ACF) shows broad application prospects in flue gas desulfurization because of its unique physical and chemical properties. We designed a set of experiments to study the factors affecting desulfurization performance of ACF, namely determining desulfurization performance of ACF before and after its regeneration, ACF soaked with 100g lime and ACF soaked with the fly ash and lime whose ratio was 1:1. The results show that after ACF regeneration, desulfurization performance of ACF declines, and the duration is also reduced; after being soaked with 100g lime, desulfurization performance of ACF has been improved significantly, and the duration also increases; after being soaked with the fly ash and lime in the ratio of 1:1, desulfurization performance of ACF is higher than that soaked with 100g lime, and the duration is longer.

Jihong Zhou, Ronghe Liang, Xia Zhang and Xianwei Liu

Utilization of Organic Selenium Nanoparticles to Inhibit Algal Growth

Algae are the most predominant members of photosynthetic eukaryotic forms, which form a major component of global aquatic ecosystem in India. Tannery industries around Erode and Tirupur in Tamil Nadu face the problem of algal growth in reverse osmosis unit due to the presence of chemicals such as ammonium, ferrous salts, sulphate and nitrates of other metals. The refuse after tannery treatment causes eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems, which is a major problem in this surrounding area. Selenium nanoparticles can have significant adverse effects on growth and morphology of the filamentous green algae in a dose-dependent manner. In the present study, our objective is to expose organic nanoparticles with various concentrations to the algal cells and inhibit the same. The bacterial strain Lactobacillus sp., found in milk, was used for the synthesis of nanoparticles and in the pH range of 7-8 and temperature ranging from 30°C-35°C could effectively inhibit the algal cells. Characterization studies were performed including UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and SEM micrograph to confirm the presence of nanoparticles. The production of dimethyl selenide by algal cells becomes toxic to the algae themselves and thus causing death. The technology can be readily implemented in industries.

Thejus Achuthan, Santanu Sasidharan and R. Balakrishnaraja

Simulation and Fuzzy Control of Greenhouse Microclimate Based On Simulink

This paper deals with the problem of controlling greenhouse environment defined by the temperature and humidity. According to the thermal balance principle and water vapour quality balance principle of greenhouse, two non-linear differential models each for air temperature and humidity inside greenhouse were constructed. The corresponding fuzzy controller for greenhouse environment was set up by using the ANFIS tools of MATLAB, including the choosing of variables, quantification of the domain, definition of fuzzy sets, choosing of membership functions and controller training. After the combination between controller and the controlled object by Simulink, simulation was carried out to analyse the performance of control system. The simulation results testify the validity and reasonability of the fuzzy control strategy for the environment control in the greenhouse, and the achievement has certain reference value for the development in intelligent control of the greenhouse microclimate.

Ge Jian-kun, Wang Shun-sheng, Luo Jin-yao and Liu Zeng-jin

The Challenge of Water Resources Management in Sichuan Province: Research on Water Resources Management and Water Allocation Based on Water Quality, Water Volume and Water Use Efficiency

In order to achieve the scientific water resources management in Sichuan province, by adopting the relevant data from Integrated Planning Report of River Basin in Sichuan province and by researching the 21 cities (states) in Sichuan province as well as water resource divisions, the volume and quality of water resources in the whole province were found out. The available surface water and the total available water resources in the whole province were calculated; water use, water use efficiency, change process of water use, water consumption and other water use statuses were analysed; water resource demands of life (including both urban and rural areas), production (including farm irrigation, plantation and pasturage, fishing and livestocks, industry, construction industry and tertiary industry) and ecological environment were predicted; and control indexes of the total water allocation and total water drawing were calculated. Thus, the scientific basis for enforcing the scientific management of water resources is provided.

Yang Yang, Fuquan Ni and Yu Deng

Study on Environmental Protection of Highway Construction on Birds Nature Reserve

The study of the effects of highway on birds found that, due to the negative effect of highway, the birds density of forestland and grassland decreased in different degree to about 60%. The overall density of all the birds fell to about 1/3, and the closer from the road, the lower degree of the birds richness. Highway corridor effect, especially traffic noise, affects birds breeding rate; when the equivalent consecutive sound level A on bird habitat is more than 50dB round the clock, the bird breeding density decreases from 20% to 98%, and the birds who born in the road area spread to the habitat which is far away from the road for breeding. Avian phototaxis caused many birds hitting on the lighted buildings or vehicles at night. The exposed power lines along the highway are also a risk factor for a pair of cranes, eagles and other large birds. Hence, it proposes highway construction environmental technology to reduce the adverse effects of the construction and operation of the highway on the birds, and also provides a reference for highway construction biodiversity conservation.

Zhibin Qin, Xiaohui Wei and Yumei Qing

Biocompatible Formulation of Potential Fungal Biopesticide Nomuraea rileyi (f.) Samson for the Improved Post Treatment Persistence and Biocontrol Potential

The development of pest control measures using microorganisms, especially entomopathogens, has received increasing attention in recent years. Formulation of biological control agent is an important criterion for sustainable agriculture. Fungal biopesticides mainly Nomuraea rileyi is widely used to control various economic important insect pests. In the present study, various formulations of N. rileyi biogel, oil and hydrogel were prepared, and evaluated for post treatment persistence under different temperatures and the biocontrol potential against groundnut defoliator Spodoptera litura (Fab.) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae). Among the formulations, maximum rate of persistence was recorded in biogel. Fungal spores could retain the viability in all the tested temperatures in biogel formulation. Enhanced pesticidal activity was also recorded in the same formulation. The present study suggests the possible utilization of biogel formulation of N. rileyi to control economic important pests under field conditions.

S. Karthick Raja Namasivayam and Abinaya Vidyasankar

Study on the Temperature Effect on Regeneration of Cesium Form of Resin into Ferric Form

The pressurized heavy water reactors which are used for power production make use of heavy water in moderator and in primary heat transport system. The cationic fission products produced during the reactor operation such as cesium, strontium, cobalt, palladium, ruthenium and anions iodide, iodate, ruthenate, etc. contaminate the heavy water and hence the need for purification of the moderator and primary heat transport system to nuclear grade to achieve the desired efficiency arises. Columns containing ion exchange resins in online are used for purification. Also ion exchange resins are used in purification of fuel storage pond water. In this purification process, the resins pick up activity and ionic impurities. The activity-loaded resin so formed is called spent resin. It is imperative to treat the spent resin into innocuous form, highly inert towards exchange with any external radioactivity. Hence, an attempt has been made to convert the Cs-containing spent resin into ferric form and to study the role of temperature in the exchange reactions. Results show that the spent resin of Cs form could be completely converted into ferric form in batch study. Also the extent of exchange to ferric form was found to come down with temperature resulting in the release of -59.46 KJ/mole with cesium form of resin.

Ratnesh Kumar, Ajay Kumar Mishra and K. S. Seshadri

Study on Urban Ecological Security Park Planning Strategy and Type Based on Extenics Method

Ecological safety park planning (ESPP) becomes gradually a new research trend in urban public safe planning field. Its theories and methods are still in the initial stage. It is universal problem for urban park planning contradiction, which needs to be dealt with all kinds of ecological environmental issues, such as the relationship between park environment and human behaviour psychology. Ecological park and landscape need to be resolved, otherwise it will affect the harmonious development of city and living. Extenics is an original subject to solve contradiction and can make up for the shortage problem solving contradiction. Therefore, it is realistic and urgency to researching urban ecological park planning strategy based on extension methods. This paper firstly discussed urban ecological park concept and pointed out that conventional design theory used to solve the contradictory problem is insufficient. This provides a new solution method for ESPP scheme and preparation.

Ming Sun and Shaoyu Wang

Accumulation of Some Heavy Metals in Roadside Soil Along the National Highway-8 in Rajasthan (India)

Environmental pollution by heavy metals from automobiles has attained much attention in the recent past. The present research was conducted to study Pb and Cd level concentrations in soil along a major highway with high traffic density. Soil samples along highway were collected from 10 sites on the National Highway -8 between Kishangarh Toll to Bagru Toll in Ajmer and analysed for two heavy metals (lead and cadmium) using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Physicochemical factors, believed to affect the mobility of metals in the soil of the study area, were examined such as pH, TOM, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, etc. The general decrease in concentrations of these metals with distance from the highway indicates their relation to traffic. Higher accumulations of metals have been observed in soil samples near to the highway (0-5 m) than in soil samples from sites a little farther away (5-10 m, 10-15 m). This is attributed mainly to aerial deposition of the metal particulates from motor vehicles. The values of heavy metals were compared with the results found by other investigators in various countries worldwide.

Subroto Dutta and Abha Sisodia

Feasibility Studies on the Treatment of Synthetic Dairy Wastewater Under Variable Experimental Conditions

The requirement of milk and milk products is kept growing in steady rate, making a significant impact on the Indian agricultural domain. The dairy industries require large quantity of water for the purpose of washing of canes, machinery and floors, and the liquid waste in dairy originates from the manufacturing processes, utilities and service sections. The various sources of waste generation from a dairy are spilled milk, spoiled milk and skimmed milk whey. The objective of this study is to focus on finding out the optimal parameters for efficient biodegradation of organics in the dairy wastewater. An experimental setup was designed and fabricated, and made to comprehend the degree of wastewater stabilization in the form of COD at variable experimental conditions. The main characteristics of dairy waste streams were identified and the anaerobic degradation of the wastewater in the fixed film fixed bed reactor was carried out with operating condition of variable organic loading rates.

B. Asha and S. Elakkiya

Experimental Study on the Influence of Sediment on COD Degradation

According to the characteristics of river sediment having greater impact on COD values, simulation experiment was used to explore the impact of sediment concentrations on COD, revealing the relationship between COD values and sediment. The level of sediment concentration has a more significant effect on COD degradation; higher the sediment concentration is, the greater is the rate of COD degradation. Sediment particle size also affects the rate of degradation of COD in water. With smaller particle size the rate of COD degradation is increased. This is because with the smaller particle size, the surface area is large, which in aqueous phase contaminants make it easier to achieve COD degradation.

Changjun Zhu, Xiangping Chang, Ming Liu and Wenlong Hao

Phosphorus Removal of Tofu Processing Wastewater in Recirculated Raceway Pond Bioreactor by Chlorella vulgaris

The objective of this research is to observe the phosphorus elimination from tofu industrial wastewater. Chlorella vulgaris as autotrophic microalgae was applied in raceway pond type bioreactor. The reactor volume was 120L, 17m of path length with 10 days of hydraulic retention time. The light source is mainly from the sun during the day without specifically any light added at night. The observed parameters in this study were BOD, phosphorus and ammonium removal, and microalgae growth with its initial density set to be 5,00,000 cells per mL of wastewater. A higher growth rate of microalgae was shown during the batch treatment than the continuous one. The average achievement for the phosphorus, ammonium and BOD removal were 58.6%, 84% and 83 % respectively.

Wahyunto A. Nugroho, M. Bagus Hermanto, Mustofa Lutfi and Muhammad Fakhri

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